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我有一种难以自持的冲动想吻她。I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her.

我将暗承受,自持且死去Then would I bear, and clench myself, and die

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他的朋友逝世的消息使他难以自持而哭了起来。The news of his friend’s death unmanned him and he wept.

你认为我会弃你于无力自持时吗?Think I’d leave you down when you’re down on your knees?

汤姆丢了工作,愤怒得难以自持。When Tom lost his job, he was beside himself with anger.

我激动得不能自持,冲着电视机大叫起来。I got carried away and started shouting at the television.

杰克知道,他也许再也不会见到他老婆了,情绪波动使得他有些不能自持。Jack is overcome with emotion, knowing that he may never see his wife again.

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你已经很特别到可以自持了,不需要别人去认可你。You are special enough on you own, you don't need some group to say you are.

作为女王的天堂,她住在地球上,自持的愿望,和完美无暇的。As the Queen of Heaven, she lived on earth, untainted by desire , and immaculate.

不能自持为尊者,高人一等,而远离员工,脱离群众。Not self-sustaining as the Venerable, superior, and away from employees, from the masses.

散文把絮语体、家常体和精粹融合在一起,追求一种自持之美。Prose to comprehend, homely and pristine together, the pursuit of the beauty of a self-assured.

而流氓火力似乎来自持狙击枪和炸药的黑衣人。The rogue firepower appeared to come from black-clad men armed with assault rifles and explosives.

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我丈夫知道我什么感觉,但他还是不能自持,并且如果我说些什么,只是更加的刺激了他的欲望。My husband knows how I feel, but he can't help himself, and if I say anything, it only agitates him.

但是他心猿意马,不能自持,他要问自己,难道主人殷勤接待就是世上最神圣的事物吗?He was now in imminent danger of asking himself if hospitality were the most sacred thing in the world.

“总统先生,”四星勋级的将军几乎难以自持地说,“我这里既有好消息也有坏消息。”"Mr. President, " said the four-star general, barely to contain himself, "There's good news &bad news. "

哀伤可以自持,然而想充分享受快乐,你必须与人分享。Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you much have somebody to divide it with.

在达沃斯,即使是最高贵自持,对自身形象在意的人也会慢慢放下他们的矜持。At Davos, even the most dignified, self-controlled, image-conscious people slowly release their inhibitions.

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在连续的较低的功率泵浦下,实现了激光器的单倍和双倍周期的自持脉冲输出。Stable T periodic and 2T periodic pulses have been achieved under the low pump power with the CW pumping mode.

当提到澳大利亚事件时,梅斯激动起来,难以自持,好象突然垮了。When the Australian matter was reached, Mace became emotionally disturbed, then seemed suddenly to go to pieces.

腔口流体动力自持振荡的频率和导流板的长度有一定关系。The frequency of fluid dynamic self-sustained oscillation of a cavity is related to the length offlange of cavity.