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野火在暮色中烧。Wild-fire burns at dusk.

这件新闻像野火一样地传开了。The news ran like wild fire.

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消息像野火般迅速传播开来。The news spread like wild-fire.

消息象野火般迅速传播开来。The news spread like wild-fire.

野火在暮色中烧。啊!Wildfires burn in the twilight.

约翰•威尔克斯家的野火会上,十二橡树园。In John Wilkes’ barbecue, Twelve Oaks.

最新的Pro/E野火版看起来还不错。The latest WildFire doesn't look half bad.

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野火烧起来的时候,你知道蚂蚁如何逃生吗?Wild fire up, you know how to escape ants do?

野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.

这是在阿拉斯加境内的野火景象。This is an image of wildfires in the Alaskan Interior.

阵风把犹他州野火吹至盐湖城郊区。Gusty winds whip Utah wildfire into Salt Lake City suburb.

谣言像野火一样蔓延,让我失去了不少选票。The rumor spread like wildfire and cost me a lot of votes.

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野火太过猛烈以至于能够产生它们自己的“天气形态”。Wildfires are so powerful they can create their own weather.

看涨的想法如同野火般也正在中国蔓延。The bullishness is spreading like wildfire within China, too.

野火焚烧也烧不尽,春风吹过来又滋生起来。Wildfires burn it cannot be spring breeze blows, and it grows.

这种干燥的重力风常会导致野火蔓延。These dry katabatic winds are associated with spreading wildfires.

我们能随便联系人或是像野火一样快地传播绯闻。We can connect with anyone and spread gossip as fast as wild fire.

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炎热引发的野火正在希腊、意大利和马其顿等国蔓延。Wildfires caused by the heat are ragging in Greece, Italy and Macedonia.

我领悟到秋天野火飘过我们市镇的烟味,不禁勾起了乡思。To the nostalgia of bonfire smoke as it drifts through our town in autumn.

小麦作物受到了严重的损害,整个国家野火遍布。The wheat crop was heavily damaged and wildfires spread across the country.