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几经磨难,我们才明白这个道理。Your father and I learned this the hard way.

几经碰撞,直至碰出爱情火花。After many collision, till touch a love scintilla.

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几经恳求,他才答应同我们见个面谈谈。After some begging and pleading, he granted us a meeting.

诺丁汉大学的校徽在历史上几经变更。Nottingham has used several logos throughout its history.

但和很多几经沧海的山中小镇来说,里克还算不错。And for many in this quirky mountain town, that's just fine.

稿子几经删改才定下来。The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.

然几经兵燹,树木古迹几乎毁坏殆尽。Ran several times Bingxian, trees and monuments almost decimated.

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如今,虽几经努力,北京政府似乎也未能阻止这种蜂拥而上的趋势。And now, try as it might, Beijing seems unable to stop the stampede.

双方几经争夺,最后鳄鱼举手投降,眼睁睁地看着狮子把到手的猎物夺了回去。Finally, the croc concedes, and the lions get their prey on dry land.

这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。To hand, some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches.

几经反复,实验鼠学会了这些行为,作为长期记忆。Through repetition, the rats learned the behavior as a long-term memory.

而对寿险公司而言,当人们变得吝啬的时候,销售保单就需要几经努力了。And life insurers struggle to sell policies when people are penny-pinching.

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永琪和小燕子几经波折最终收获爱情。Yong Qi and small swallow harvest love finally after many twists and turns.

随着时间的推移,这片土地几经转手,久经荒置。Over time and through changing of hands, the property suffered from neglect.

宪法几经废立,君主被推翻又复辟。Constitutions were written and discarded. Monarchs were toppled and restored.

名园封植几经春,露湿烟梢画不真。After a spring garden plants were closed, smoke shoot dewy painting is not true.

本文通过对张舜民仕途坎坷,几经贬谪之生平经历的描述,展现他悲壮的一生。This paper presents the tragic life of Zhang Shunmin by exploring his livelihood.

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虽几经擦肩而过,你仍在等待那个人走进你的生活。After several misses, you continue to wait for this person to walk into your life.

几经转折,欧阳继跟随德仕来到郊外。After several twists, ouyang following the following DE shi came to the outskirts.

几经辛劳,柴九才抵达白朗大夫的教堂处求医。After hard work, the wood to the doctor arrived in nine marder church place a doctor.