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我们飞行了625个架次,总计1371个小时。We flew 625 sorties and 1,371 hours.

多国部队共出动飞机10万架次。The Allied Troo flew 100,000 sorties.

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多国部队共出动飞机10万架次。The Allied Troops flew 100,000 sorties.

现在,他们每天出动12架次的空中战斗巡逻。Today that number is 12 daily combat air patrols.

2006年上半年每周进出港航班为780架次。The first half of 2006 flights per week to 780 sorties.

结果,战斗却长达5个月,动用了17000架次的空中打击。Instead it took five months of fighting and 17,000 air sorties.

今天将有8个架次的包机来往上海机场,这也是节日期间最多的一天。Eight round-trips will be made today, the most during the period.

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在科索沃空袭中,共出动飞机3万架次,仅损失两架飞机,而且机组人员全部安全返回。Only two planes were lost, and their crews were recovered safely.

我们一共出动了9个架次的包机,从吉尔吉斯斯坦接回了约1300名中国公民。Around 1300 Chinese citizens have returned to China in 9 chartered planes.

昨天,暴雨导致天津机场多架次航班取消、延误。Yesterday, heavy rains led to Tianjin Airport and more flights canceled, delayed.

由于每天有超过85,000架次的商业飞行,这些机率都是不能接受的。With more than 85,000 commercial flights across the globe every day, those are unacceptable odds.

航班起降、加班飞行架次、旅客吞吐量,均创历年暑运的最高值。Flights taking off and landing, overtime flights, passenger throughput , are a record summer peak.

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由于每天有超过85,000架次的商业飞行,这些机率都是不能接受的。With more than 85, 000 commercial flights across the globe every day, those are unacceptable odds.

在过去24小时中,北约空军先后飞行了178架次,其中74次为对地攻击行动。In the past 24 hours, NATO aircraft flew 178 sorties have them 74 times for ground attack operations.

这将是一个24小时作业,9架飞机出勤,每架飞机一天飞行3架次。It would be a round-the-clock operation, with nine aircraft each required to fly three sorties a day.

无人机的作战方式开始从单架次独立作战的方式向着多架次、多类型的机群作战方向发展。The operational manner of UAV changes from the independence towards the multi-way, more types of UCAV.

美国及其盟国的飞行员从海湾战争爆发算起已经在危险地区飞了数千架次的战斗任务。US and allied pilots have flown thousands of combat missions over hostile territory since the Gulf War.

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乘客有必要记住,在每年数以百万计的飞行架次当中,空难发生的几率还是非常小的。And travelers need to remember that it is still a very small number among millions of flights every year.

过去10年以来,客机致命事故一直没有超过每百万架次0.6的失事比率。In the past decade, the fatal accident rate for airlines hasn't been higher than 0.6 per million flights.

包头机场单日进京航班8架次,其中两架次为包头机场过夜航班。Baotou Airport flights to Beijing 8 one-day trips, including two at the airport overnight flight to Baotou.