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和山羊的一个奄牛!A bullock with goat!

早上好,山羊太太。Good morning, Mrs. Goat.

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山羊用角抵小牛。The goat bunted the calf.

你可以享受海门山羊。You can enjoy Haimen goat.

譬如说,山羊阴囊火锅,有人想尝尝吗?Goat-scrotum hotpot, anyone?

他听到一只山羊的咩咩叫声。He heard the bleat of a goat.

那只山羊以头撞树。The goat is butting the tree.

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老虎向山羊扑去。The tiger sprang on the goat.

一头奶牛、一头山羊和六只鸡。A cow, a goat and six chickens.

大山羊后面跟着一只小山羊。The goat was followed by a kid.

戈比把自己的眼镜给了山羊。Gaby gives the goat her glasses.

戈比给山羊一些葡萄。Gaby gives the goat some grapes.

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这个团的吉祥物是山羊。The regimental mascot is a goat.

我的山羊在萝卜地里面。My goats are in the turnip field.

我们养了几只鸡和一些山羊。We keep a few fowls and some goats.

地球撞击数据库,山羊围场,2010年3月12日访问。Earth Impact Database. Goat Paddock.

山羊妹妹寄了信,咩咩。Goat sister sent a letter, bleating.

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留山羊胡的那个人看起来很面熟。The man with a beard looks familiar.

山羊叫他,“你觉得下面的水怎么样啊?”How do you find the water down there?

男孩把山羊拴在木桩上。The boy tethered the goat to a stake.