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逃避非善法,面对是修行。Evasion is not a good method.

一个人应该怎样修行禅定?How does one practise samadhi?

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“露宿在公园里?”修行者问道。"In the open air?" Asked the yogi.

修行人的精气就是他的宝剑。Qi is the sword of man of practice.

我们偷偷潜回了修行中心。And so we slunk into the retreat center.

又为什么修行烦恼越来越多?And why the vexations are more and more?

特林顿亦是一位虔诚的瑜珈修行者。Turlington is a serious student of yoga.

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一个人修行奢摩他有三个目的。One practises samatha for three purposes.

在印度她尝试了修行与冥想。in India she joined an ashram and meditated.

修行要修心,心要怎么修?The essence of practice is to train the mind.

我不能相信霎哈嘉瑜伽修行者可以这样做。I can't believe Sahaja Yogis can do like that.

这就是我们的修行,释放我们的观点。And this is our practice, to release our views.

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孔子与颜回在修行的路上是亦师亦友。Confucius was both Yan Hui's friend and master.

维达人信仰万物有灵论和修行佛教。The Veddahs have Animist and Buddhist practices.

修行的道路其实是茫无头绪的。As a matter of fact, the way of practice is vague.

换成五字真经,运动即修行。Recite every word in every movement of exercising.

每个人修行不就是为了成佛?Spiritual cultivation is for attaining Buddhahood.

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“很好,然后,”阿瓦塔阿谛达笑着说,“这就是修行!”Adi Da Samraj with a smile, "that is the practice!"

修行的每天早上,我都穿着草鞋出去。Practice of every morning, I go out wearing sandals.

那就太愚蠢了,那就像是变成了一个遁世修行者。That becomes so silly, it's like becoming a sannyasi.