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要求到达“上下同欲者胜“的境界。Required to reach "up and down with those who want to win" the state.

“上下同欲者胜”,说的就是只有上下一心才能获取胜利。Down with the desire to win ', that is the only one mind in order to obtain victory.

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文中还讨论了理想探针激励下同轴线的瞬变特性,分析了高次模的时域波形性质。The transients of waveforms of high modes of hard coaxial cables excited by a probe are discussed.

下划线的为直接通径系数,未划线的为间接通径系数。下同。The numbers underlined are direct path coefficients, the rest are indirect path coefficients. The same as below.

同一处理效据后有相同字毋表示在0.05水平差异不显著,下同。Data of same treatment followed by the same letter indicates no significant different at 0.05 l-1. thc same as bellow.

近年来,发现的大油气田均位于盐下同裂谷期的陆相碎屑岩和湖相碳酸盐岩储层中。Almost major fields were found in recent years, situated in continental clastic container rock and lacustrine carbonate rock.

现在考虑下同点位的射击,但这次要越过球门前排成一排的防守球员人墙。Now consider a shot taken from the same spot but this time struck to bend around a wall of defensive players lined up in front of the goal.

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系统在部分负荷情况下、特别是较小负荷下同时采用两种优化方案不仅能够节约较多的能量,而且能够改善室内的热舒适性。In the part-load condition, especially in the condition of low outdoor load, it can not only save the overall energy consumption, but also make indoor air more comfortable.

结论关节镜下同种异体髌腱重建膝关节前、后交叉韧带能较好的恢复膝关节的稳定性和功能。Conclusion Reconstruction of ACL and PCL with allogenic patellar tendons arthroscopically could regain the functions and stability of the knee joints with satisfactory outcomes.

采用改进的界面重参数方法,讨论了周期边界条件下同质双层铁磁膜中自旋波本征激发问题。The eigen problems of spin waves in a homogeneous ferromagnetic bilayered system with periodic boundary conditions are solved by using the improved interface-rescaling approach.

波速–应力试验过程中,当应力增加到岩样在原位状态下同试验加荷方向下所受的应力时,波速增加速度急剧变缓。During the V-S experiments, the increasing velocity of the P-wave velocities will dramatically decrease if the stress reaches the stress which is undergone by rock samples in the field.