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全部工序的基础是从制胎开始的。All steps begin with mold-making.

这就是“杀青”工序了。This is the "fixation" procedure.

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这道工序叫什么呢?What is the name of that process?

数控其他金属加工工序。NC for Other Metalworking processes.

激光测试工序挑出了四十份拷贝中的一个残次品。Laser test rejected one copy out of 40.

三个工序在同一锅内一气呵成。Three processes in the same pot at one go.

还差一道工序。There's still one more step in the process.

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这套工序通常使用石质的研钵及研杵来完成。Stone mortars and pestles used to do the job.

前道工序是“行金底”。The previous process is "laying gold bottom".

各道工序都由电脑控制。The processes are all electronically controled.

十字柱,工序,制作。Ten-word column, working procedure, manufacture.

他们去年对食品加工工序进行了合理化改革。They ration-alized the food processing last year.

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在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes.

仅制面皮这工序,便要花上八个小时。He had to spend 8 hours rolling out a lump of dough.

用老汤煮肉是做“苏造肉”的第一道工序。Boiling the meat in the stock is the first procedure.

折痕可能在以后的染色工序中产生色条。Creases may result in streaks in subsequent dyeing steps.

他恰好在一分钟之内完成了这多道工序。He has exactly one minute to complete the multistep task.

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最后,提出在棉纺工程中各主要工序防止纤维损伤的措施。At last, the method to prevent fibre damage was sug-gested.

该公司形容这种工序为“人体复印机。”The company describes its process as a “human photocopier”.

制作工序使出来的成果非同凡响。The process makes the outcome seem all the more remarkable.