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静谧的早晨。The morning is quiet.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。Water stands for Wisdom.

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美,是智慧,是静谧。Beaut , is wisdom, is quiet.

夜的静谧,如一盏深沉的灯。The night's silence, like a deep lamp.

喜欢静谧闲适的美。Enjoy beautiful with quiet and leisure.

让我在你的静谧中安静无声。Let me come to be still in your silence.

你是否也感受到了一种安宁和静谧?Do you feel a sense of calm and serenity?

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我想去一个静谧休闲的地方。I want to go somewhere quiet and relaxing.

我几乎爱上了静谧的死亡。I have been half in love with easeful Death.

静谧可以帮你找到寂照,扰人的噪音一样也可以。Any disturbing noise can be as helpful as silence.

在静谧的一刻中,悠悠述说那个童话故事Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was

园林浸沉在一片欢悦的大自然的静谧里。The grand silence of happy nature filled the garden.

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她的摄影作品静谧、典雅而优美。Her photos are tranquil, vintage-esque and beautiful.

梦想成空的夜晚犹有静谧的欢乐。The pleasure of quietness out of helpless dreamy night.

在一个静谧四起的夜晚,宁静的氛围引出了我的思乡心绪。In this quiet of the night, the hush drived me homesick.

我逆光照下这片静谧的场景,原来生活中从来不缺少美丽的细节。It seemd that life had never lacked of a beautiful moment.

枕水耳边,江南西塘。又一个静谧的清晨开始了。Rest with water sounds. Now it is early morning in Xitang.

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年华静谧,而你还没来,我怎可老去。Time silent, but you still did not come, how can I get old.

我是温暖闪耀的星,照耀达那苏斯的静谧长眠。I am the star warmly gleaming, over Darnassus softly dreaming.

漆黑夜晚静谧美,炙热晴日真情现。Dark quiet night, the United States, hot sunny day is the truth.