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他们抬杠。They bicker.

“我们做的还不够过么”别的队员接着抬杠。"Aren't we done yet?" another huffed.

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你总是喜欢和比人抬杠。You always like wrangling with others.

这年青人爱和别人抬杠。The young man takes delight in contradicting others.

事实上,我还就得避免抬杠,而用点儿。In fact, I had to simply shirk argument and do the diplomatic instead.

对现有大抬杠进行强度计算,改制后用于机架的吊运和吊装。The existing beam was given a strength calculation and is modified for lifting mill housings.

把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬杠。They inserted the poles into the rings so they would be on the sides of the altar for carrying it.

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留言有新思想,灌水有新思路,吹牛有新突破,抬杠有新局面!Messages have new ideas, new ideas have irrigation, boasting a new breakthrough, a new situation Taigang!

嗯,要抬杠的话,恋童癖同样也在其他哺乳动物的群落中出现,所以我们也要接受这是“自然现象”吗。Well, to play devil's advocate, pedophilia likewise exists in other mammal communities so are we to accept it being "natural" too.

中国城乡存在很大的差距,昨天我刚到西南的旱区云南去了一趟,我在那里还看到耕地“二牛抬杠”的情景。Yesterday I just visited China's southwestern arid area in Yunnan and still saw the picture of "a yoke of two cattle for tilling" there.