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那人是个老顽固。The man is a fossil.

他是个老顽固.He's a stubborn old man.

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自然真是个老顽固。That Nature is such a prude.

老狗学不出新把戏。老顽固不能学新事物。An old dog will learn no new tricks.

来参加迪斯科舞会吧!别再当老顽固了!Come to the disco and stop being such an old fogey !

他们必须跟像我这种老顽固打交道。They have to deal with grumpy old farts like myself.

当我说我热爱真理,他认为我是个古板守旧的老顽固。He thought i was a square when i said i loved the truth.

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我是个老顽固,真正的老顽固,至少在动物方面”,他说。I was nerdy – really nerdy – at least about animals, " he says.

老顽固还可以,不过我将与的想法地起来。Some old fogeys are OK but I cannot relate to their ideas very well.

甚麽?那个老顽固终于顽石点头了?你怎麽做到的?What? That stubborn old stone turns into pliable clay? How did you do that?

对她来说我们是撒旦的孩子,那就让地狱之火在这个老顽固身上熊熊燃烧吧!We are children of satan according to her, so lets being the hell fire on this bigot!

当你试图把这些向他人推行时,你让你自身变成了一个伪善的老顽固。When you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a self-righteous bigot.

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他是一个来自南卡罗来纳州的老顽固,希拉里·克林顿的支持者--“除非你赢了,要是输了,你就滚蛋吧”。He was a die-hard South Carolina Hillary Clinton champion —"but you win, you lose, you move on."

想劝他接受新思想根本不可能,他决对是个老顽固。You are flogging a dead horse trying to persuade him to accept the new concepts-he is absolutely an old fossil.

那个世界有梦想的驱使,也不乏遗产的掣肘,年轻恋人陷入爱河,异想天开,然后老顽固把他们一记敲醒,打落凡尘。It was a world of wills and bequests, where young lovers lived on dreams until old curmudgeons fell off their perches.

反对她的演出。把愤怒发泄在她身上吧。对她来说我们是撒旦的孩子,那就让地狱之火在这个老顽固身上熊熊燃烧吧!Protest at her shows. Bring the wrath of hell on her. We are children of satan according to her, so lets being the hell fire on this bigot!

最终,具有创造力的学习者占领了世界,而那些老顽固也会发现他们不再属于这个世界。Ultimately, the creative learners inherit the world while the doubters and complacent minds find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists.

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老顽固的巴塞罗纳拒绝放弃追求队长法布雷加斯,他们认为西班牙人将会在这个夏天会成为他们的一员。Barcelona are stubbornly refusing to give up on their pursuit of captain Cesc Fabregas, saying that the Spanish international has to be a Barcelona player this summer.