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折出一台纸针孔相机!How to Fold a Pinhole Camera?

我检查是否有针孔摄像。I was checking if there was any hiden cameras.

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无针孔的涂膜,没有表面缺陷的表面。Pinhole free film. A surface free from any defects.

针孔摄像镜头用于监视系统。The pin-hole camera lens is applied to monitoring system.

甘汞电板上有一个针孔或砂芯。The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick.

因钢锭模表面生成气体而形成的表面针孔。Surface pinholes caused by gas formed at the mould surface.

针孔和蛀洞所造成的危害对结构的影响不大。Pinhole on shot-hole damage is never structurally significant.

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膜表面光滑,无气泡针孔和外来杂质等缺陷,边缘整齐无破损。With smooth surface, no defects, cutting edge tidy, not damaged.

一个或两个小针孔,都是我可以找到需要润饰。One or two small pinholes were all I could find that need touching up.

他的姐姐喜欢裸睡而我有一个针孔摄像头。That his sister likes to sleep in the nude and I have a polaroid camera.

始办于1959年,其前身为国际大高清针孔摄像头运动会。First launched in 1959, its predecessor, the International Student Games.

特殊打孔装置可任意调节针孔数量及位置。Special perforation design for adjusting number and location of pinholes.

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青藏高原上牧民的帐篷是白色的,在以棕绿为基色的草原上宛如星星点点的针孔。The nomads' tent is a pinprick of white against a canvas of green and brown.

可用于任何类型的相机从胶片单反针孔到电影。Can be used for any type of camera from film SLR to pinhole to cinematographic.

身临其境的体验,教你如何建立自己的间谍针孔摄像头。Immersive experience that teaches how to build your very own pinhole spy camera.

针孔是厚度较小的铝箔中普遍存在的现象。The existence of pinholes is a general phenomenon on thin gauge aluminium foils.

光斑尺寸和空间滤波系统的针孔光阑直径有关。The focal spot, size depend on the pinhole diaphragm diameter of spatial filter.

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“单眼球”玻璃纤维,LCD萤幕,针孔摄影机,电池1999可变尺寸。One -Eye-Ball, 1999, surveillance camera, LCD monitor, fiber glass, various dimension.

凸轮面针孔是凸轮轴重熔淬火工艺容易产生的质量问题。Pinholes are the defects often found in cam surface layer after re-melted and chilled.

模具完成时也应该高品质,硬铬,无针孔,电镀。The die should also be finished off with high quality, hard-chrome, pinhole-free plating.