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和贝多芬的曲子用的一样多Same as in the Beethoven.

直到把曲子全学完。Till the tune's complete.

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莫扎特走进去,他听到了那段曲子Mozart goes in. He hears it.

刚才曲子的节奏是什么呢Which rhythm is in play here?

这曲子听起来很熟悉。The tune sounds very familiar.

你在练什么曲子?What piece are you practicing?

他把那支曲子演得糟透了。He murdered the piece of music.

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如何去聆赏一首曲子或者如何哭泣。How to listen to a song or cry.

这个曲子我喜欢!咱们跳一段吧。I love this song! Let's boogie.

这首曲子用的什么拍子呢What's the meter of this piece?

他唱个简单曲子都走调儿。None of them could sing in tune.

这个曲子是即席作成的。The song was composed extempore.

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他用小提琴给我们奏了一个曲子。He gave us a tune on his fid dle.

她在洋铁罐上敲出一首曲子。She beat out a tune on a tin can.

那架老风琴呜呜地奏出曲子。The old organ wheezed out a tune.

谢谢分享好曲子。非常动听!Very good memory of Delphine Cai.

这首曲子多次换调。This piece changes key many times.

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他唱个简单曲子都走调儿。He cannot carry even a simple tune.

他在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子。He thumped out a tune on the piano.

这个曲子是一位教师创作的。The music was written by a teacher.