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适者生存是物竞天择过程中的一部分吗?Is it part of the natural selection process?

物竞天择是否能解释人的性格?Can natural selection explain human personality?

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正如达尔文所言,物竞天择,适者生存。As asserted by Darwin, only the fittest can survive.

物竞天择,适者生存。Evolution, the theory goes, guarantees survival to the fittest.

达尔文所理解的也就是自然选择,物竞天择。All Darwin perceived was that selection must work in nature, too.

马拉松赛跑优胜劣汰是最后结果,足以表明“物竞天择”的道理。"Survival of the fittest, " describes the runners finishing the marathon races.

他也开始着手与其他的研究项目以对他的物竞天择学说进行补充。He also started to work on other projects to back up his idea of natural selection.

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问题是,方舟载不下所有的人,物竞天择的道理就从这里发酵。The problem is, the Ark can't fit everyone. That's where natural selection comes in.

一直以来,人们都在争辩,“思想观念”和“文化”是否被某个类似物竞天择的过程所支配。It has been argued that "ideas" and "culture" are subject to a process similar to natural selection.

“物竞天择,适者保存”这是当然界生物进化的根本次序。"last it thing it select, survival of the fittest "is nature the basic laws of biological evolutions.

物竞天择迫使那些代表一种文化的早期部落要么学会适应并发展起来,或者学不会适应而堕落灭亡。Natural selection allowed those early tribes to either learn and grow or fail to learn and die off as a culture.

现在,工程师们发现,“物竞天择”的进化理论在航天器的演进过程中同样会产生惊人的效果。Now, engineers suggest that the process of natural selection may have surprising implications for spacecraft as well.

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在那种情况下真的就是物竞天择,最有可能能活下来的就是青壮年。In this situation it truly was survival of the fittest, with healthy young males being the most likely to live to tell the tale.

争论最后集中到这样一个问题上,达尔文的物竞天择究竟是只发生在个体层面上,还是在群体层面上依旧有效。And that controversy leads to another one. Does Darwinian selection take place at the level only of individuals, or of groups as well?

从历史长河中来看,人类社会总是在不断地重复实践着“物竞天择,适者生存”的经典真理。In the history of human being, always repeated in human society is the essential truth of "Natural selection and survival of the fittest".

物竞天择,适者生存。多年来,ZCIG正是秉承着这一朴素的哲学,不断发展、壮大。Only the fittest can be survived from natural selection. With taking this simple philosophy in many years, ZCIG keeps on developing and growing.

在物竞天择的残酷环境下,在漫长的进化过程中,许多动物的伪装与周围环境几乎一致,达到了以假乱真的地步。In a very cruel environment, in long evolutionary process, many animals disguise and surroundings almost unanimously, reached the point of the real thing.

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日后当上美国总统的西奥多·罗斯福是达尔文社会主义者,相信物竞天择、适者生存。Teddy Roosevelt, a future American president, was a Social Darwinist who believed that the fitter races were biologically bound to triumph over the less fit.

同学们,我们将要跨入的是一个充满挑战和竞争的社会,“物竞天择,适者生存”将是我们的生存环境。Students, we will step is a challenging and competitive society, " survival of the fittest in natural selection, survival of the fittest" is our survival environment.

1859年,达尔文的认知和论据让他完成了“物竞天择来获得物种起源,或是生命斗争中,保存了优等品种。”In 1859, Darwin’s perception and evidence became “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.”