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两个猛犸象博物馆中的一个。One of the two mammoth museums.

我多么希望我也能做一头猛犸啊。I wish I coulda been an Ultralisk.

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猛犸掉河裂缝里。The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse.

但是,科学家们仍渴望看到真正的猛犸。But scientists are dying to see real mammoths.

7头猛犸象的平均重量为70吨。An average weight of the 7 mammoths is 70 tons.

他们还用猛犸獠牙制成工具器物。They also made tools and objects from the tusks.

而体型较大的哥伦比亚猛犸则生活在较远的南方。The larger Columbian mammoth lived further south.

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你或许已经在电影中见过猛犸。You might already have seen a mammoth in the movies.

猛犸标本的表皮和肉身都保存完好。The skin and flesh of those dug up are well preserved.

在建设电厂的时候,发现了猛犸的长牙。Mammoth’s tusk which was found during the construction.

你期望着这其中某头猛犸象将会成为你今天的晚餐。One of the mammoths, you hope, is going to be your supper.

尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.

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这些长毛猛犸的平均身高是11英尺。The average height of a Wooly Mammoth is about 11 feet tall.

猛犸肉一定很可口,因为它们往往被吃的一个不剩。They must have been delicious, since they ate every last one.

你能想像那些猛犸象、大群大群的野马与鹿群。you can imagine the mammoths, and the herds of horses and deer.

鲎虫比恐龙、三叶虫、猛犸象更长寿。Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

猛犸象,这种与亚洲大象有关的生物,现在已经灭绝。Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct.

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这一猛犸遗骸现已修复陈列在列宁格勒古生物博物馆。HAS now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad.

猛犸象大约有13英尺高,体型并不比现代的大象大多少。They were around 13ft tall, not much bigger than modern elephants.

其中一头冷冻的猛犸是一头叫迪玛的小公象。One of the frozen mammoths was a little male that was named "Dima".