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鹿很容易受到惊吓。The deer startle easily.

弗雷多会被惊吓。Fredo would have been cowed.

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升起的朝阳为之惊吓。Does the Rising Sun affright.

穿靴猫一时惊吓不已。Puss was startled for a moment.

你不见得是惊吓了罢!Donpt tell me you are frighted !

并且你还能参加一个惊吓环节。And you also got a scare section.

受到惊吓奔跑的食蚁兽?How about a stampede of aardvarks?

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迟钝被惊吓我当我是小。Muzzy scared me when I was little.

你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在那里呢。Thine heart shall meditate terror.

惊吓鸟自由飞翔。Frightened bird's free from the net.

这是我生平所受到的最大惊吓。It is the greatest shock I ever had.

猫受到惊吓时会把背拱起来。The cat arches its back when scared.

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稍有动静,鹿就会受到惊吓。The deer spooked at any disturbance.

很抱歉,我当时惊吓过度以至于没有留意到。I am sorry. I was too shock to do so.

雷暴天气使孩子受到了惊吓。The thunderstorm terrified the child.

有时含羞,飞蛾般易受惊吓。Sometimes shy and skitterish as a moth.

最前面的一波麋鹿受到惊吓突然停下脚步,但是大批的同类从后面冲过来。Startled, the front line of elk stopped.

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我受到如此的惊吓,以至于不想要孩子了。I am so frightened I won't like my child.

当地人民被恐怖惊吓着。The local people were terrified by terror.

受到惊吓的布雷顿摔倒在地板上,死了。Frightened, Brayton fell to the floor, dead.