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去把垃圾拖出去。Pull it out.

避免发送垃圾邮件。Avoid spamming.

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少读垃圾资料。Read less junk.

这简直是垃圾!This is rubbish!

不要乱丢垃圾。No littering here.

没有垃圾邮件,也不骗局。No spam, nor scam.

好的,我也会去丢垃圾。Yes to the garbage.

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他们拾起垃圾。They pick up litter.

垃圾食品怎么样?What about junk food?

不过有很多垃圾。A lot of junk, though.

垃圾食品很便宜而且无处不在It's cheap everywhere.

垃圾、废物。原意是“破烂货”。His writing is all junk.

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我不会去那个垃圾地方的。I don't go for that shit.

垃圾食品已经成为社会意识的一部分Part of the social scene.

那电影完全是一堆垃圾。The movie is utter dreck.

朴实之余,就全部是垃圾了。The rest is just rubbish.

你是垃圾评论员。You are comment spammers.

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你把垃圾拿出去。You take out the garbage.

禁止在森林中倾倒垃圾。No dumping in these woods!

没人会捡起垃圾。Nobody picks up the stuff.