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主公送了他一枚戒指。The Tetrarch sent him the ring.

我觉得主公也怕他。I think he is afraid of him the Tetrarch.

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我不只一次听到主公对他的谈论。Often I have heard the Tetrarch talk of him.

任何白痴都知道赵云不会让他的主公被杀的。Any idiot knows zhao yun is not gonna let his zu gong get killed.

修答道,“你比这里所有的人都清楚得很,我没有杀死你们的主公。”And you know better than any here that I did not murder your lord.

主公明日可请他来吃酒,使尽醉而归。My lord, invite him to drink wine tomorrow and send him back drunk.

甚至还不止,只要你的罗网把小主公套得更牢一点。Or maybe longer than that if you can keep your web wound tight around him.

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主公是个牙齿全部脱落褐色过肩长发慵懒披散的老人。Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.

但是,主公已经正式下令,禁止任何人打开水井的盖子。But the Tetrarch has formally forbidden that any man should raise the cover of this well.

当战士们从他们主公的明堂里刚走出来,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?When the warriors came out first from their master’s hall, where had they hid their power?

当战士们整队走回他们主公的明堂里的时候,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?When the warriors marched back again to their master’s hall where did they hide their power?

为什么主公一直用贼溜溜的眼睛看着我?Why does the Tetrarch look at me all the while with his mole's eyes under his shaking eyelids?

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主公可不乐意看到尸体,他自己杀死的人则另当别论了。The Tetrarch does not care to see dead bodies save the bodies of those who he himself has slain.

当刀刃陷进他的颈项,修突然尖叫出来,说是你,法师,是你杀死了我们的主公。When the blade sank into his neck, Hugh screamed out that it was you, Magicka, who killed my lord.

主公,诸葛先生早已胸怀破曹之策,不妨先听一听他的意见。My Lord, Mister Zhu-ge has come before you with a plan for fighting Cao Cao. It would not hurt to hear him out.

当战士们从他们主公的明堂里刚走出来,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?他们的甲胄和干戈藏在哪里呢?When the warriors came out first from their master's hall, where had they hid their power? Where were their armour.

他们显得无助、可怜,当他们从他们主公的明堂走出的那一天,如雨的箭矢向着他飞射。They looked poor and helpless, and the arrows were showered upon them on the day they came out from their master's hall.

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他们显得无助,可怜,当他们从他们主公的明堂走出的那一天,如雨的箭矢向著他飞射.They looked poor and helpless, and the arrows were showered upon them on the day they came out from their master’s hall.

比如,主公的兄长,希罗蒂的前夫,就在那儿被关了十二年。For instance the Tetrarch's brother his elder brother the first husband of Herodias the Queen was imprisoned there for twelve years.

比如,主公的兄长,希罗蒂的前夫,就在那儿被关了十二年。For instance, the Tetrarch's brother, his elder brother, the first husband of Herodias the Queen, was imprisoned there for twelve years.