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兵舰是非常大的战船。An "Ammiral" is a big warship.

我们的兵舰在太平洋上游弋。Our warship was cruising on the Pacific.

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在港的兵舰都挂了许多旗子作为装饰。All the warships in port were fully dressed.

如有国家需要12.8万艘运兵舰去解放他们。Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them.

他乘坐苏格兰步兵团的运兵舰从格拉斯哥前往南非。He set sail on the troopship Cameronia from Glasgow to South Africa.

1944年,奥马哈海滩附近的盟军运兵舰,其中一艘笼罩在浓密的白烟中。Allied troop carriers near Omaha beach, one covered with a thick white smoke, June 1944.

此种水雷通过声波和磁性探测仪发现敌方的兵舰及潜艇。Its detection system uses acoustics and magnetic readings to pick up enemy ships and submarines.

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兵舰造出来了,而且发挥了充分的效能,国家得以多年太平无事。Ships were built, and kept thoroughly efficient, so much so that the country remained safe for very many years.

以色列在通往黎巴嫩的主干线上沿线部署坦克和运兵舰,称之为“有限度的地面推进”。Israel has lined up tanks and troop carriers along a main road to Lebanon for what it calls "a limited ground push".

简单的读了一下这个比喻,我们可能猜想,撒旦的长矛如同兵舰的桅杆一样高。Now we may assume, having read only that much of the simile, that Satan's spear is as tall as the mast of the ship, not a small spear.

日军汇山码头被轰炸,长谷命人将出云号从吴淞口拖走并换上新的兵舰。The Japanese remit mountain wharf was bombed, long valley orders the cloud will be towed away from WuSongKou, and put on a new carriers.

但西奈普刚刚的命令已经下达下去,正当指挥舰变成一团炙热膨胀的气球的同时,运兵舰像蚌壳即将吐珍珠一般,打开了盖子。But Senep had given a last order, and as the ball of superheated gas that had been the command ship expanded like a balloon, the troopships swung open like oysters about to yield pearls.