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我正在找一份半工半读的工作。I'm looking for a part job.

那就是所谓的半工半读吧?That's what is call Work Study, isn't it?

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她须半工半读学习法律。She had to work her way through law school.

她必须半工半读学法律。She had to work her way through law school.

于是我半工半读,找了一份工作。I accepted a job as portion of a work-study program.

我准备半工半读来取得在计算机科学领域的理科硕士学位。I’m going to school part-time to get my MS in Computer Science.

我们还可以选择半工半读,那是非常锻炼人的。We can also choose to work part time, it is very tempered person.

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1916年入上海复旦大学法文系半工半读,并自修素描。In 1916 the fudan university in Shanghai in repentance and sketch.

我曾参加过一个员工管理培训课程,我们班上基本上都是成年人和一些半工半读的学生。My personnel-management class consisted mainly of adult, working students.

在大学入学生中,半工半读的学生占了相当大的比例。Part-time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.

学生年龄略大一些,半工半读,住所远离校园。Students are often older, work part time, and live far away from the campus.

四周后我回去要求再加入半工半读计划。I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again.

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她就是那样在斯坦福大学半工半读,并获得了一个中世纪历史方面的学位。That's how she worked her way through Stanford and got a degree in medieval history.

半工半读,在大专就读商科,是班代表,全职受雇于一国际公司。Studying business in college, leader in class, full-time employed at an international co.

大毛读大学一直半工半读自己解决生计,不会问我要零花钱了。Oge university work-study their own solutions to their livelihood has not asked me to pocket the.

半工半读的学习方式是在学院的全时学习期间中断数次,以便在雇主处全时工作。Sandwich study is full-time work at a college interrupted by periods of fulltime work with an employer.

一方面,人们可以在学校参加各种不同的课程,无论是半工半读或全日制学习。On the one hand, one can attend different courses at all types of schools, either part-time or full-time.

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原主修建筑设计,后来在纽约半工半读完成了音响工程的课程。C. in 1978 and studied as worked as an Architect before going back to school for audio engineering in NYC.

朵索打算半工半读,阿萨内非常反对,觉得朵索还是应该专心读书。Cable is going to work, athar inside very much against, think a return should pay attention to is reading a book.

我国职业教育的发展和改革必须走工学结合、半工半读之路。The development and improvement in our country in the vocational education must be along the way of work and study.