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他嘀嘀咕咕轻声说话。He spoke in a mutter.

大声说,别嘀嘀咕咕的!Speak up. Don't mumble!

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有上帝在他的耳畔嘀咕。God whispers in his ear.

“噢,上帝呀,”他嘀咕道。“Oh my God, ” he mutters.

“他们?”艾蒙嘀咕道。"Do they?" muttered Armon.

她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。What is she muttering about?

她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。She was muttering to herself.

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“什么世道,”那男人嘀咕了一下。"Whata ripoff, " the man muttered.

这老太太总是嘀嘀咕咕。The old lady was forever grumbling.

我那十三岁的女儿嘀咕埋怨。my thirteen-year-old daughter moans.

不跟猫嘀咕我的缺点。Never murmurs about my flaws to the cat.

当面直言,不要背地嘀咕。Say it to his face, not behind his back.

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还有一件事,使我心里老嘀咕。There is another thing which bothers me.

“乡巴佬,”伊萨贝尔冲那司机小声嘀咕道。“Redneck, ” Isabel muttered at the driver.

白玉堂在心里嘀咕道。The white jade hall in mind whispers a access.

她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。What are you muttering there below your breath?

“我是老虎家族的一员。”猫自个儿嘀咕。"I belong to the tiger family, " purred the cat.

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即使隔了3个房间也能听到你的嘀咕。Hearing your sotto voce cursing from three rooms away.

只要他路过,你都咳嗽并嘀嘀咕咕,“最低工资。”Whenever he walks by, cough and mutter, "Minimum wage".

他摇了摇头,兀自嘀咕着什么我听不太懂的话。He shook his head and muttered something unintelligible.