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姑且令之随风逝!Let it Go With Wind!

但姑且先听一听。But it purports to be true.

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你姑且就把这件事当做我的德性吧。But make a virtue of it by all means.

我并不相信,但请姑且假设。I don't believe in them,but let's imagine.

或者我们姑且相信这就是真的。Or maybe we just really wish it were true.

我们姑且叫那“末实现的末世论Let's just call that "reserved eschatology."

我们姑且称为PC2.0的新兴奋点。Anyway, we can call it a new exciting point of PC2.0.

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你可把这个小房间,姑且当作工作室。You can use the little room as a studio for the nonce.

姑且把自己算作一俗人吧,一介蝼蚁,能掀起多大的惊涛骇浪?Let be a layman, a worm, can lift more tempestuous waves?

下周来看看吧,容或有人姑且勾销旅行。Dheck back next week. Maybe someone will cancel their trip.

那是我听到的消息-我把它告诉你,不论真假,你姑且听之。That's the news I heard-I pass it on to you for what it is worth.

而且她们会用亲切的态度来使用这套方法,姑且被称之为“能力测验”。And they do it with something affectionately known as a Sh*t Test.

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他既然想跟你谈谈,你就姑且去见他一面吧。Since he wants to have a talk with you. I don't see any harm in goi.

正是基于这一点,我把徐訏的小说归于新传奇,姑且命名为现代传奇。So we consider his novels as New romance, we call them Modern romance.

现在姑且把她当做很不错的钓饵,也许能钓出大鱼来呢。Now throw her as a very good bait, may be able to catch a big fish to it.

姑且撇开纳税人所负担的成本不谈,这里面还颇有蹊跷。The likely cost to taxpayers aside, there’s something strange going on here.

但那名字很难读,于是他让大家姑且称之为c饮料!It was hardly pronounceable, so he just told everyone to call it the C drink!

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我们姑且抛开盖特纳计划好与坏的问题。Leave on one side the question of whether the Geither plan is a good idea or not.

假期里你精壮什么?我将姑且赐顾帮衬我妹妹。What will you do in the vacation? I will look after my younger sister temporarily.

姑且认为当他回去的时候她还没有死在大主教手里。Assuming the High Septon had not put her to death by the time he got back to the city.