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我知道你对我怀恨在心。I know you hate me.

她对他怀恨在心。She bears him a grudge.

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他是一个善于怀恨的男人。He had been a spiteful sort of man.

她有一个忘恩负义、怀恨于心的家庭。Her family are ungrateful and spiteful.

文胜见杜思曼食言对她更加怀恨。WenSheng see DuSiMan renege on her more grudge.

她对自己的宿仇仍然怀恨在心。She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.

怀恨在心会摧毁你的幸福。Your grudge-holding will destroy your happiness.

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宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克。不要这样怀恨在心。Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter.

我知道她对我怀恨在心。I know she cherishes a secret resentment against me.

因此您是蛇的怀恨在心者?您看起来像是我的食物!So YOU are the snake hater? You look like food to me!

我知道迭戈欣赏我,我也没有怀恨于他。I know Diego appreciates me and I don't hold any grudges.

他对我怀恨在心,因为我取代了他在队里的位置。He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the team.

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但这是一支值得铭记的队伍,非利物浦的球迷们对它怀恨在心。It's worth remembering that non-Liverpool fans were scathing about them.

我觉得生命太短促了,不值得把它花费在怀恨和记仇上。I think life is too short, not worth it to spend in the bitter and vengeful.

因为你是一个穆斯林,因为你已经对神臣服了,因此你怎么还可以怀恨一个人呢?Because you are a Muslim, because you are surrendered, so can how you hate anyone?

后来,吉姆知道了这件事,这也是他对斯太尔医生怀恨在心的一个原因。Jim found this out afterwards and it was one reason why he had it in for Doc Stair.

自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。Tiffany's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused.

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我们因为小小的伤害别人怀恨在心,却忘记了他们的宽宏大量。We hold grievances against others for supposed petty hurts and forget their magnificence.

当你被深深伤害的时候,想要不怀恨在心是很难做到的。When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your grudge.

一个遭到汤川质疑的物理学者,怀恨在心,把多年的失败的原因都归咎于汤川。A physicist yukawa question, hold a grudge, blamed for the cause of the failure are yukawa.