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我希望你能原谅我的胆大妄为。I hope you will forgive me for my nerves.

大卫为什么会做出这些胆大妄为的事情呢?Why does David do these dare-devil deeds?

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因为这样一来,他们有可能更胆大妄为,从而承受更大的风险。They could be more bold and take more risks.

一起来看看其他胆大妄为的艺术品盗窃案吧!Here’s a look at some other daring art heists.

在这一点上,麦道夫创造了他最胆大妄为的发明。Here, Madoff made his most audacious innovation.

领导不满报纸的胆大妄为。Party leaders resented the newspapers’ boldness.

表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it.

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昼夜上网,聊天泡妹,打情骂俏,胆大妄为。Day and night online, chat bubble sister, philandering, reckless.

惩罚的威胁让你一直遵纪守法,不敢胆大妄为。And this threat of punishment keeps you on the straight and narrow.

中国又有谁能够如此胆大妄为地安排这种会见呢?And who in China would have the temerity to arrange such an encounter?

他说,这种核能力会使伊朗政府更加胆大妄为。He said this nuclear capability could embolden the government in Tehran.

「也许只是某些胆大妄为的小鬼。」奥兰多说。"Maybe it's just some kids with a Devil-may-care attitude, " Orlando said.

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坏小孩做事情,从来不会考虑太多,随心所欲,胆大妄为。Bad kid always do sth without hesitation, won't think to much, just follow the will bravely.

中国人驾驶汽车时过于胆大妄为,因而低价车与豪华车都会发生事故。The anarchic traffic on Chinese roads takes its toll on low-frills vehicles and luxury cars alike.

他说,当美国偏离其理想时,法治就会受到损害,敌人会变得胆大妄为。Saying that when America strays from its ideals, the rule of law is undermined and the enemy emboldened.

如果有胆大妄为的有色人种,在没有搜查证的情况下去搜查你家,你肯定会向他们开枪。If a few coloured people were brave enough to search your home without a warrant, you would shoot them for sure.

澳大利亚旅游宣传片不仅为未来树立了一个胆大妄为的挑战,同时也提供了澳大利亚特有风情体验的样本。Tourism Australia has created an "in-your-face" challenge to come and sample the unique "down under" experience.

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澳大利亚旅游宣传片不仅为未来树立了一个胆大妄为的挑战,同时也提供了澳大利亚特有风情体验的样本。Tourism Australia has created an “in-your-face” challenge to come and sample the unique “down under” experience.

埃德瓦•蒙克的两幅巨作于两年前在一起堪称全球最胆大妄为的艺术品盗窃案之一的案件中丢失,现已失而复得。Two Edvard Munch masterpieces stolen in one of the world's most audacious art thefts two years ago have been recovered.

最具奉献精神的父母在任何时候都不会为胆大妄为的孩子抓狂,这种想法未免太过于天真。It would be naïve to think that even the most dedicated parents do not sometimes become frustrated with defiant children.