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修身养心,瑜伽是运动,更是生活态度。Back to Yoga, Back to my True Life. Namaste!

这种名为"太空养心丸"的中药可更好地防治空间运动病。It can be used to treat motion sickness during the space flight.

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这就是所谓的养眼养心。This is the so-called pleasing the eyes and refreshing the mind.

在这里喝杯咖啡,翻翻杂志,赏赏古玩,想想心思,养心养性,是最好不过了。Have a cup of coffee, browse the magazines and enjoy the curio , nothing better than that!

季先生以厚德诚信之仁来养心确是他成业之前题。Ji Hui Tak to maintain the integrity of the heart is really into the industry prior to his title.

现在的我,写书法已不单单是一种放松与养心,更多的是一种对中国文化的传承。I practice calligraphy is no longer for relaxing, but more for a kind of succession of Chinese culture.

喜欢研究养生学,“养身与养心”,总是生命中固执的追求。Like study the preserve one's health, "keep sound in body and mind ", always tenacious pursuit in the life.

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本文在学术界第一次提出并探讨了早期儒家的养生文化,把它的内容概括为养心与养身两大部分。This is the first time I have discussed the early Confucian culture of cultivating life in academic circles.

目的采用自身对照试验观察参松养心胶囊治疗室性早搏的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of "Shensong Yangxin Capsule" in treating ventricular premature beat.

少林药局茶疗堂以少林八百年禅医秘传古方为基础,调制出具有养生功效的少林本草养心茶系列产品。Series products of CLEAR-MIND TEA were based on ZEN-MEDICINE of eight hundred years in ShaolinTeatherapeutics-room.

和精微配伍而成的净血吸脂、养心活脑的“餐疗”产品。And microscopic blood compatibility of the net from liposuction, the raising of living brain, heart, food therapy products.

而且颜色搭配的越鲜艳越好——仿佛塞满了抗癌、养心的营养。The more brightly colored the produce, the better – it's more likely to be packed with cancer-fighting, heart-healthy nutrients.

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养心正脉颗粒还可使离体免动脉环拮抗去甲肾上腺素对主动脉的收缩作用,对离体豚鼠心脏有增加冠脉流量的作用。It can protect acute cerebral ischemia and anoxia and enhanced the volume of flow of extracorporeal coronary artery in guinea pig.

程曦问程超群那个人说晨曦养心汤是什么意思,程超群告诉程曦别听那个人胡言乱语。Super Cheng Xi ask cheng said the man dawn yangxin soup is what meaning, cheng superior tell Cheng Xi dont listen to the nonsense.

唐正的晨曦养心汤不仅让程曦感受到了唐正浓浓的爱意,更让评审知道了自己高超的厨艺。Tang Zheng dawn yangxin soup not only make Cheng Xi felt Tang Zheng thick love, more let review know his excellent cooking skills.

因此养心草作为广泛种植的民间药物资源,在开发利用方面具有广阔的前景。So Sedum aizoon L. which is widely grown as a folk medicine resources, having little adverse reaction, has a great market prospect.

结论参松养心胶囊能有效改善室性早搏的临床症状和心电图参数。Conclusion "Shensong Yangxin Capsule" is effective to improve the clinical symptoms and electrocardiogram of ventricular premature beat.

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煮粥时加些百合,有润肺止咳,养心安神的作用,适用于秋季干咳少痰,失眠多梦者食用。Lily add some porridge, with lungs and cough, the role of uneasiness of mind for the fall dry cough with little phlegm, insomnia are edible.

方法56例患者在常规治疗的基础上给予参松养心胶囊口服,疗程5周。Methods Based on routine treatment, "Shensong Yangxin Capsule" was given to treat 56 cases, 4 capsules each time and 3 times a day for 5 weeks.

在中医药理论下缬草使用其根及根茎作为药用,是安神药中养心安神的药物。In the theory of Chinese medicine valerian root and rhizome as a use of its medicinal, is the sedative drug sedative drug in the support center.