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我真是精疲力尽了。I'm really tired.

这匹马已精疲力尽了。The horse has gone stale.

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我被这些工作搞得精疲力尽。I'm shagged out after the work.

那个工作弄得他“精疲力尽”。The work completely bushed him.

我已工作得精疲力尽。I have exhausted myself working.

年度最让人精疲力尽的比赛?The most punishing match of the year?

在那场行军的最后,我已精疲力尽了。At the end of the march, I pooped out.

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跑完马拉松以后,他已经精疲力尽了。But after the marathon, he's done too much.

我也有同感,那让我精疲力尽。I feel the same way. It makes me exhausted.

在网球场上的四个小时令我精疲力尽语源。Four hours on the tennis court fagged me out.

他因不停的疼痛已精疲力尽了。He had been outworn with His ceaseless pains.

他们已经精疲力尽,”一名医院职工说。They are exhausted," says a hospital regular.

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几个选手在跑到终点时精疲力尽了。A few runners fagged out at the end of the course.

我们在湖上划了一整天的船,划得精疲力尽。Rowing on the lake all day long, we were rowed out.

我要结束这场让人精疲力尽的猫鼠游戏。I'm putting an end to this exhausting cat-and-mouse.

她每天晚上睡12个小时,可还是精疲力尽。She slept 12 hours a night, but was still exhausted.

但河水的水流很急,他很快就精疲力尽了。But the current was too strong, and he was tiring fast.

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下午三点,我精疲力尽,开车回家,但我的一个车胎瘪了,我去后备箱找备胎,备胎也没气。At 3PM I got laid off.On my drive home I got a flat tire.

经过与大浪和海鱼22小时的搏斗之后,他游过63公里,最终精疲力尽而又喜气洋洋地在加莱附近上岸。Finally, he landed near Calais, exhausted but triumphant.

工作了十几个小时候,我累的精疲力尽。I was that bone-tired, after working for scores of hours.