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他们有黑手党,我们有三合会。They have their cosa nostra, we have our triads.

陶驷驹还邀请三合会到大陆投资设厂。Mr. Tao also invited the triads to set up businesses in China.

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调查复杂的有组织罪案和严重的三合会罪行。Investigates complex organised crime and serious triad offences.

警方逮捕了年龄从16岁到55岁不等的33名成员,其中包括一名三合会高级领袖。Police arrested 33 men, ages 16 to 55, including a senior triad leader.

行动的目的是阻止三合会的犯罪行为和遏制他们的经费来源。The aim of this operation is to curb triad activities and their sources of income.

年内,警方继续打击三合会及有组织犯罪集团。Throughout the year, the fight against triads and organised criminal syndicates continued.

37岁,外号“男孩”,是加拿大波斯有组织犯罪集团的老大,该组织与各种形式的“三合会”以及其他的国际犯罪集团有联系。Tahvili is the kingpin of a Persian organized crime family in Canada connected to various Triads and other global criminal groups.

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年回归后,香港警方根据客观的形势和过去的经验,制定了一套综合治理的「五管齐下」的方针打击三合会的有组织犯罪。Since 1997, Hong Kong Police has developed and adopted a comprehensive policy and proactive approach in five aspects against the Triads.

臭名昭著的三合会或帮派持刀伤人等暴力犯罪事件也不再常见。Violent crime such as knifings with meat cleavers -- typified by the city's notorious triads, or organized crime gangs -- is no longer common.

此外,警方又向法庭申请对与三合会有关或触犯严重罪行的被告人加重刑罚,成功个案共18宗。In addition, during 1997 there were 18 successful applications to the courts to enhance the defendants' sentences in triad-related or serious crimes.

法庭消息,一名店员声称四年来遭受女雇主虐待,但他从不向其他人透露,因为他的雇主说有朋友是三合会分子。如果他告诉任何人,她威胁向他报复。He never mentioned the assaults to others because his boss claimed to have friends in a triad gang and threatened to take revenge on his family if he told anyone.

澳门赌王何鸿燊周四表示,任何说他与澳门黑社会组织三合会有关联的说法都是绝对没有根据的。Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho said Thursday that there was 'absolutely no foundation in any suggestion' that he is associated with Macau's triads, or organized crime bodies.

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一位匿名外国外交官称,"中国政府忧虑三合会,担心他们更为壮大,并开始渗透至大陆.""Beijing is worried about the triads and the possibility they'll gain in strength and start spilling onto the mainland," said a foreign diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity.

香港警方的一名发言人说,警方最近利用从香港本岛渗透进九龙一个三合会组织的卧底探员,围剿了三合会的一个犯罪网络。Hong Kong police recently rounded up a network of triads by using an undercover operative who infiltrated one group in Kowloon, across from Hong Kong Island, a police spokesman said.