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其歌若悠扬丝竹。Its songs made of silk.

他不知道自己这对眼睛有没有灵魂,也不知道露丝竹他的眼睛观感如何。He wondered, also, how his eyes looked to her.

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缓歌慢舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。Seeing slow dance and hearing fluted or stringed song.

丝竹乐系中华民族音乐文化中之瑰宝。Sizhu music is the precious treasure of the music culture of Chinese people.

在悠雅的江南丝竹声中,你提起紫砂壶,慢慢地呷上一口微温的”龙井”茶。In the jiangnan silk in elegant voice, you mentioned violet arenaceous crock, slowly sip a mouthful of tepid longjing tea.

最近在「丝竹国乐社」的招生广告上,看到知名主持人田文仲的照片,难道他是该社的代言人?Recently, you will see the photos of well-known host Chung Wen Tien posted on the enrollment AD of String and Bamboo Music.

一阵丝竹之音传来,她执扇远望,通贵桥下是一幅银勒驿马,花船丽人的景色。Came the sound of wind, she looked with fan, under the Tonggui bridge is a beautiful scenery, silver chain post horse, boat beauty.

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纵情风景,想起昔日这里的丝竹之乐管弦之盛,你才会不禁微笑。Indulge scenery, remember the past here, the joy of orchestral string and wind music of-sheng, only way you can not help but smile.

这是一个丰收的季节,在课业繁忙之馀,我们以丝竹纾解压力,以琴瑟陶冶性情。This is a season of a plentiful harvest. After busy schoolwork, we relax our pressure by music and cultivate our temper by musical instruments.

忧伤和哀愁只是一时感叹。看落花流水,听丝竹笙乐闻花香草味,品浓茶淡酒,赏一轮新月!Sadness and sorrow is but a temporary sigh. Trounced watch, listen to music Zhusheng silk flowers smell vanilla, long drink strong tea products, a crescent reward!

她们各自作为两大丝竹乐种的主奏乐器,通过特殊的演奏技法来呈现其鲜明的地方音乐风格。Being the dominant instruments separately in the two types of silk-and-bamboo music, they represent the unique styles of local music through their special performing techniques.