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以一个引证结束,或者号召大家去行动。Conclude with a quote or call to action.

起初,他们对改革的号召加以抵制。At first they resisted the call for reform.

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现在是时候添加您的号召性文本。Now it's time to add your call-to-action text.

号召青年向雷锋同志学习。Call on the youth to learn from comrade Lei Feng.

将军的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。The general's speech was pitched as a call to arms.

在你的博文结尾加上一个对读者强有力的号召。Add a strong call to action at the end of your post.

这部电影以汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基嫚为号召。The new movie features Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

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勃应囊的号召得到了迅速的响应。There was a quick response to the call of Bayin Naung.

它号召巴基斯坦人起来反抗“卖国贼”。It called on Pakistan to rise up against the "traitors".

芊红找到丁氏兄弟,号召二人归队。Qian red find DingShi brothers, called for a people back.

联合国号召交战双方遵守停火协定。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.

总理的号召使我们热血沸腾。The call put out by the Prime Minister enkindled our blood.

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学校号召我们向雷锋同志学习。The headmaster called on us to learn from Comrade Lei Feng.

我们的刘师号召大家参加羽毛球比赛。Our Ms. Liu summons us to participate in the badminton game.

有几项建议号召每个核国家都加入进来。Several proposals call for every nuclear country to join in.

我号召本镇居民投票,反对这一措施!I call on the people of this town to vote against the measure!

用行为号召来明确地告诉他们我们希望他们做什么。The call to action tells them exactly what we want them to do.

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Elena支持改变营业执照立法的号召。Elena supports the calls for a change in licensing legislation.

而“钟”的形式恰好隐喻了对教友的唤醒和号召。The bell exactly metaphorizes a wakening and summon to converses.

后来,“像钟声一样清晰”,她听到上帝的号召,于是决定去中国服务。Then, "clear as a bell, " she heard God's call to serve in China.