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她遭遇了一场车祸。She had a car accident.

我十分同情埃里克斯的遭遇。I felt compassion for Alex.

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今天,我遭遇了抢劫。Today, I was getting mugged.

高级流行时尚遭遇高科技。High fashion meets high tech.

命主于2007年之遭遇何者为真?What happened to him in 2007?

她呜咽地诉说她的不幸遭遇。She sobbed out her unhappy lot.

水土不服的中国公司在美国法庭上遭遇困境Chinese Companies Court Disaster

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他为他的不幸遭遇感到悲痛。He was crying over his misfortunes.

讲诉着彼此的喜悦或遭遇。Tell each other's joy or encounter.

我认识的一些朋友遭遇过这样的不幸。I know quite a few friends who have.

她正为她的不幸遭遇而感到悲伤。She was sorrowing at her misfortune.

在这本漫画书中,我们遭遇了海难。In the comic book we are shipwrecked.

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这个遭遇留下了深刻印象。The encounters left a deep impression.

美国和欧洲遭遇夏季中期的低迷。US &Europe suffering mid-summer blues.

每一次他们都遭遇罢工。Each time they faced crippling strikes.

他告诉了我一个关于他自己的悲惨遭遇。He told me a tale of woe about himself.

2000年以来,杭州首次遭遇倒春寒。It is the first cold spring since 2000.

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她以颤抖的声音讲述她悲惨的遭遇。She quavered out her bitter experience.

其时人类可能在荒蛮之地遭遇上帝。When man in the bush with God may meet.

他的命真苦,遭遇了这样的天灾人祸。A nature disaster and man-made disaster.