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懒羊自觉羊毛重。A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.

哦,你是个不自觉的仆从。Oh, you are an unconscious henchman.

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维特自觉选择了死亡。Werther voluntarily chooses the death.

他们总是不自觉的回到这种回忆中。They keep compulsively going back to it.

别再让它伤心流泪——请自觉关好水龙头。Don't let it tears -- please close the tap.

我自觉无资格就此问题发言。I feel unqualified to speak on the subject.

它是关于自觉抑或不自觉的对抗。It’s about being conscious vs. unconscious.

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小猫熊自觉得好笑。The little cat bear felt itself a bit funny.

自觉注意力不集中,记忆减退。Perceived lack of concentration, memory loss.

她正不自觉地误解他们行动的目的。She was unconsciously misreading their actions.

这是怎么回事?为什么我们的自觉错的离谱呢?What is going on? Why is our intuition so wrong?

自觉不幸福的人,生命成了苦斗的战场。For those who are not, life is to fight a battle.

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不自觉间,唇边便勾出了浅浅的笑。Unconsciously, lip hook out of the shallow laugh.

我没有礼服手帕,自觉寒碜。Without a dress handkerchief, I felt underdressed.

自觉是人实践-认识活动的取向。Consciousness is the tropism of practice-cognition.

它需要许多自我向导能力和自觉精神。It required a lot of self-direction and motivation.

苏宁那只握着我的手,不自觉地抖了一下。Su Ning's holding my hand, not consciously tremble.

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自觉遵守学校有关联网管理条例。Users must observe the rules of university network.

后来他们自觉理亏,改变了态度。Later, they consciously wrong, changed his attitude.

他自觉、蓄意地将秽物给予他的读者。He consciously, deliberately gives his readers filth.