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高高洒落在崖岸上。High on the rocky shore.

雪花洒落大地。Snow sluiced down over the earth.

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清凉的夜晚洒落露水。The cool of the night distils the dew.

热泪从她的眼中洒落了下来。The hot tears spattered out of her eyes.

将我泪洒落你脸容,令你悲伤?Weep my tears over thee, making thee sad?

雨点洒落在门阶上。Rain drops were spattering on the doorsteps.

思思缕缕的梦,洒落了一夜。Somewhat daedal dream, fell into the deep night.

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当然,他把许多饭洒落在地上。Of course, he drooped a lot of rice on the floor.

温暖的阳光正洒落在我们的身上,“这就是爱吧?”The warm sun was shining on us. "Is this not love?"

眼泪又涌了出来,洒落在弗兰克的手上。The tears welled up again, splashing on Frank's hand.

会有大片大片的雪花洒落在我的手心。There will be large tracts of snow in the Sala my palms.

看,西班牙之雨大多洒落于平原之上“Take, for example, "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

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在加油站你应该注视你的操作,以免洒落和溢出。Watch what you do at the gas station to prevent spills and overfills.

我是柔和精致的雨,洒落西部荒野的金色稻田。I an the gentle showers of rain, on Westfall's fields of golden grain.

我是柔和细腻的雨,洒落西部荒埜的金色稻田。I am the gentle showers of rain, aboard westfall's fields of golden grain.

还有像蘑菇一样洒落在草原上的蒙古包。And also the mushroom-like Mongol yurts that are scattered on the grassland.

一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。More than ton of confetti , little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.

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当飞机向果树喷洒农药时,杀虫剂像下毛毛雨似的洒落在果树上。As the plane sprayed the fruit trees the insecticide drizzled over the trees.

但如果你看的仔细,会发现花生皮实际上是洒落在柜台上。But if you look carefully, the peanut shells did make it onto the counter top.

夜半,一沫流光,照在窗边,透过玻璃,洒落在床前。Midnight, a suds streamer, shine in the window, through the glass, in the bed.