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今霄酒醒何处?From wine awake?

酒醒后,我非常后悔。Jiuxing, I very much regret.

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你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。You will ashamed what you've done after you drink.

辛德雷从容不迫地下来,酒醒了,也觉得羞愧了。Hindley descended more leisurely, sobered and abashed.

你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。When you sober up, you'll be ashamed of what you've done.

夜半酒醒人不觉,满池荷叶动秋风。In wine, and full waking lotus pond people move autumn wind.

我曾经看过法拉在抵抗一些酒醒的无赖。I've seen Fara defend herself against a few drunken ruffians.

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“哦,”好运人说,“那我就等到你酒醒了以后再来找你。”Well , "said the man, "then I'll come back when you're sober.

雁过故人无信息,酒醒残梦寄凄凉。Yan had no information on the enemy, sober Canmeng send bleak.

薇芸酒醒后,惊讶在余凡家过夜。Eu non-success wine woke up, surprised at Yu Fan home for the night.

她进来时,还未完全酒醒的我很不舒服,而她呢,看上去则一脸的阴郁和伤感。When she arrived I was badly hungover and she looked somber and sad.

这样的话,“病人说,”我只好等你酒醒了以后再来了。"In that case, " said the patient, "I'll come back when you're sober"

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酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。Sober sat only in the flowers, but also to spend the next drunken sleep.

第二天早晨,强盗头一觉之后酒醒了人也清醒了。The next morning, after sleeping off his drunkenness, the bandit chief woke up sober.

酒醒后的狄俄尼索斯后悔万分,深感自己的行为罪恶不赦而流下了忏悔的眼泪。Moved with guilt, Dionysus realized the ruthlessness of his actions and began to weep with sorrow.

翌日小嘉酒醒后,即打算将家强所赢的钱偷走,却被家强发现。The next small fine wine woke up, namely the strong plans to home win the stolen money, has been strong home found.

“你也可以在第二天酒醒之后确定自己到底身处何处”该网站的一位创建人戈登•巴特勒打趣地说。"You can also use it the next day to find out where the Hell you have been, " quipped the site's co-founder Gordon Butler.

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酒醒后辉仔表示要对美娜负责,可美娜却说大家都是成年人,不需要负什么责任。Wine woke up to beauty, fai said, is responsible, but beauty is all adults, say, do not need to bear responsibility for it.

千万不要听信“以酒醒醉”的土方法,就像海明威说的酒醉以后喝番茄汁和啤酒或是吃顿油腻大餐就可解醉。"Forget all talk about 'hair of the dog', Hemingway's solution of tomato juice and beer, or a greasy breakfast, " said Blum.

他也只能摇摇头,惆怅地走向属于自己的却不知今宵酒醒何处的时光中。He also can shake, disappointedly the alignment belong to own of but don't know the wine of tonight is come to where of time in.