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本科毕业生也不在是紧缺资源。College graduates are not in short supply.

丙酸是目前国内十分紧缺的一种产品。Propionic acid is product heavily short of in our country.

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中国的部分地区已经感觉到能源紧缺了。Some regions of the country are already feeling the pinch.

建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.

由于战时材质的紧缺,纸质娃娃也随之流行起来。Paper dolls became popular due to wartime shortages of materials.

战争期间肉类紧缺,贵得普通人家买不起。Meat was scarce during the war and too expensive for ordinary people.

正像希腊今天,法国也正处在紧缺现金来支付它的债务。Like Greece today, France was in desperate need of cash to pay its debts.

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H1NI疫苗本是十分紧缺的,但只需要一剂的量意味着无需把那弦绷得那么的紧了。One dose means tight supplies of H1N1 vaccine won't be stretched so badly.

然而因为燃料紧缺,许多飞机阻塞了停机坪。However because of fuel shortages, some aircraft are clogging up the tarmac.

当然,人力资源紧缺并仅不局限于心理卫生。Of course, human resources shortages are not confined to mental health alone.

近几年有经验的报关员在一些地区始终是比较紧缺的。In recent years experienced customs broker in some areas is always more shortage.

由于世界水资源的紧缺,水危机日益严重。With the scarcity of world water resources, water crisis is becoming more serious.

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许多船和士兵都成了鱼食,而供给也紧缺。Many of the boats are sunk, along with the soldiers and desperately needed supplies.

每一块大陆上都有河流枯涸,水资源紧缺日益加剧。On every continent some rivers are drying out, threatening severe water shortages.1?

影响开发的主要原因是资金紧缺,消费意识淡薄,广告宣传力度不够。The influence on development is short of funds and con-sumer consciousness and advertising.

每当食品供应紧缺,托伊达里亚人的各个集团之间就会爆发战争。Wars broke out from time to time among Toydarian confederacies when food supplies were low.

但是在干旱的年份,水资源的紧缺以及更少量的食物使得它们更早的出来活动。But in dry years, water stress and fewer insects make the bats come out earlier, says Frick.

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托灵顿校区提供给外国学生的资源紧缺,但是马丁并不担心这点。Martin said he didn’t worry that the Torrington campus lacked resources for foreign students.

但是,这种“定时播音装置”的关键部件——扩音小喇叭货源紧缺。But, the key part of the "timely broadcasting systems" loud- hail speaker was in short supply.

在战争中,信封也是紧缺物资,士兵有时侯会只是把信折起来就投递。Envelopes were very hard to come by during the war, so people folded their letters up instead.