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排烟系统。Smoke removal system.

我们家的烟囱正在排烟。The chimney of my house is smoking.

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研制了一种补风式排烟罩。Develops an exhaust hood incorporating air makeup.

这个火炉子有个洞,供向外排烟用。This stove has a hole to allow the smoke to escape.

工厂的烟囱向高空排烟。Factories chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere.

工厂的烟囱往空气里排烟,造成大气污染。Factory chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere make it dirty.

工厂的烟囱往空气里排烟,造成大气污染。Factory chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere and make it dirty.

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直燃机排烟温度过高,不利于节能,在烟道上加设余热回收装置。The flue gas temperature of direct-fired machine is too high to save energy.

这些数据将为通风排烟系统的设计起到指导作用。These data will play a guiding role for ventilation and smoke control system.

按其功能可分为防火阀和排烟防火阀两大类。By different functions it can be categorized into smoke damper and smoke fire damper.

该法也适用于防火调节阀和排烟阀的性能试验。The method is also suitable for fire -regulating damper and smoke -discharging damper.

介绍人防地下车库通风与排烟系统控制设计思想。The design ideas of the control system for ventilation and smoke exhaust were presented.

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本厂专业生产欧款壁挂炉标准水平排烟管的企业。Our Factory specializes in standard level fire tubes used in the EU style Wall-Hung Gas Boiler.

该系统用于排烟,任何获得的金属微粒都将回炉。The system is intended for smoke removal. Any obtained metal particles will go back to the furnace.

针对抛煤机炉排烟黑度大、排尘浓度高的缺点,本文探讨总结了几种不同的炉内消烟除尘方法。Several methods of reducing fly ash and soot are discussed for spreader stoker boiler in this paper.

船舶防排烟系统性能化设计代表了一种新的思路和新的认识。The performance design of smoke control system on ships is now becoming a new method in ship design.

研究结论可为国内外类似高架车站防排烟设计提供参考。The conclusions may benefit to smoke control design and safety management for such elevation station.

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为进一步利用锅炉的排烟热量,提出了一种新型低温省煤器。To make more use of heat energy in the flue gas, a new type of low temperature economizer is put forward.

依照不同风向、风速及排烟口面积,设置五个火灾场景。According to the different wind direction, wind velocity and smoke vent area, five fire scenarios are built.

防火罩由封火保温装置和过滤排烟装置两部分组合成。The fireproof cover is formed by combining a fire sealing and heat insulating device and a filter fume extractor.