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横竖我不来了。Anyway I am not coming.

横竖我还得像条狗似的要有人牵着。I'll have to be led like a dog, anyhow.

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头骨横竖指数表示人脑袋的大小和形状。The cephalic index shows the size and shape of the human head.

不论横竖排列,四个相连就可消除并且得分哦。After all, regardless of rank, and score four linked remove oh.

横竖掩盖都是满的,但是我都会给放到一个方便找到的场地。At least a bag full. But back then they were very easy to get your hands on.

选购尾盘注重横竖对比,了解市场价值。End of ● choose and buy dish notice in any case is parallel, understand vendibility.

横竖闲著也是闲著,不如找点儿工作做吧。小女巫这样想著。Anyway idle is idle, it is better to find a little job to do it. Little witch thought.

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我也要让自己有用些。横竖在等火车,我就去给我俩买点早饭吧。I'll make myself useful and go get us some breakfast while we're waiting for the train.

你需要从中解脱出来,不要认为横竖都是你的错,以为自己横竖活该。Don't think that somehow the abuse is your fault or that somehow you deserve to be abused.

为什么脸部彩绘的,横竖之间会有紧张感?Why the curious tension in the marks on the faces between the vertical and the horizontal?

文章提出了一种对于横竖混排中文版面倾斜的校正方法。Skew detection and correction in document images are critical steps before layout analysis.

若你这个桃花仙子有知,会不会娥眉横竖,为自己讨个说法?If you have to know that Peace to all, will crescent anyway, for his discussion of argument?

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无论是在什么时间,无论你在什么地方,横竖你知道总会有如许一小我私家。Regardless at when and regardless your where, anyway you know the head quarter has so a person.

通过脉动试验,得出了新、旧桥的横竖向前两阶测试频率。Secondly, the first two order experimental frequencies were identified based on an ambient test.

横竖有人服待你,再不必支使我,我仍旧服侍老太太去。You don't really need my services. I shall back to serving Her Old Ladyship, like I used before.'

然后警官们开始咯咯笑。最后,当他们意识到这人横竖不打算走了,就突然爆发出一阵大笑。Then the officers chuckled and let out an unexpected laugh when they realized the man wasn't going away.

字体结构整齐,笔画匀圆,并有横竖行笔,形体趋于方正。The composition and tidy, uniform strokes a round, and there if they had line of pens, body tends to Founder.

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在L横竖相依的弯处将会安置一个遮蔽门廊,供人们在漫漫夏夜闲坐、漫谈、阅读。A screened porch for sitting, talking and reading on long summer nights will be nestled in the crook of the L.

与其找糊涂导师,倒不如自己走,可以省却寻觅的功夫,横竖他也什么都不知道。Rather than looking for careless mentor, oneself go, you can dispense for kungfu, somehow he also don't know anything.

奇特的声调,有故事的汉字,让吴小莉在阴阳上去中、点横竖撇拉中开始了。Peculiar intonations and interesting stories behind every character are what motivated Asmaa to start learning Chinese.