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美国政府就喜欢繁文缛节,官僚习气。The U. S. government just loves red tapes.

繁文缛节阻碍了我们为采取行动而作的所有努力。Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.

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商人们抱怨太多的繁文缛节阻碍他们的道路。Businessmen complain that too much red tape clogs their way.

腐败、保护主义和繁文缛节阻碍了外国商人在各个领域的发展。Corruption, protectionism and red tape hamper foreigners in all fields.

但是切赫的回归可能会被推迟,拜那些围绕着他的头盔的繁文缛节的审批所赐。Yet, Cech's comeback could be delayed by a red-tape row over his head guard.

徐龙江解释道,“老板越直白,你受繁文缛节的限制就越少。”The more straightforward the boss is, the less red tape you are restricted by.

旧世界的习俗和繁文缛节纷纷映入眼帘,我似乎清清楚楚目睹了一切。I seemed to see it all so clearly, the rituals and tonalities of that old world.

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现在的约会游戏是高度复杂的,其中的繁文缛节就像个雷区。The modern dating game is highly complex and courting rituals can be a minefield.

这一大套繁文缛节结束后,罗宾拿起笛子,吹了一支曲子。After a great number of civilities, Robin took the pipes, and played a piece of music.

另外一些则适得其反,造成更多繁文缛节与人浮于事的现象。Others have proven counterproductive, creating more red tape and fatigue than results.

用情专一的男人们可以借此避开征婚市场上的繁文缛节。Uxorious-minded men could sidestep the marriage market's elaborate and costly etiquette.

一生的朋友,没有繁文缛节,只有简单纯洁。Friends for life, without unnecessary and overelaborate formalities, only simple and pure.

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作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。As a painter, he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints.

完全就是一些学术上繁文缛节的东西,基本没什么用,不过对于制定政策的人来说还是挺有用的。Nope, mostly academic mumbo-jumbo that is entirely useless to all but a handful of policy makers.

我们可以非常快速地反应,因为我们没有繁文缛节,没有必要接受高权限的管理审批,等等。We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need for higher management approval.

不过,您可能已经注意到,上面的示例中涉及到相当多的繁文缛节。You might have noticed, however, that there was considerable ceremony involved in the previous example.

官府的繁文缛节,也妨碍贸易活动的开展,并且为关内来的官员向满洲小商人敲诈勒索开了方便之门。Red tape was also stifling trade and giving southern officials a chance to squeeze small Manchurian merchants.

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塞尔维亚与黑山近期采取的减少繁文缛节的工作使公司目前可以只用15天的时间就开始运行。Recent efforts to cut red tape in Serbia and Montenegro now mean a company can start operating in just 15 days.

他还说,当地政府把繁文缛节维持在最低限度,既没要求贿赂,目前的干涉也不太多。The state government, he says, kept red tape to a minimum, did not ask for bribes, and does not interfere much now.

面对捉襟见肘的预算,他想做些见效快而又不会受官场繁文缛节羁绊的东西。Faced with shrinking budgets, he wanted something that could be achieved quickly without getting bogged down in red tape.