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以无量的功德和智慧。with boundless merits and wisdom.

就是从无量功德智慧。It comes from infinite merits and wisdom.

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安住一切功德法中。Dwelling in all kinds of virtuous Dharmas.

过去生里,我定曾积聚功德。I must have accumulated some merit during my past lives.

外王则是指卓越的“治平”社会功德。Fine morality is preeminent "Governing" society benefaction.

弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.

如是功德庄严,不可思议。The merits, virtues and adornments such as these are inconceivable.

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由真法而生,有这般善行修持的功德。Born of the true Dhamma, endowed with such virtues as good practice.

他的慈善功德像他的酒店事业一样使他为人们所怀念。He is remembered for his charity work as well as his hotel business.

灭除烦恼是真正的,最高的功德。The destruction of defilement, is what real merit is, the highest merit.

是人日日得具六波罗蜜圆满功德。With each passing day, you will possess the merits of the six paramitas.

而且他的功德究竟圆满,这两个条件是必须要的。And his merits and virtues are perfect. These two conditions are necessary.

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当您积累到了足够的“功德”时,您可以将它们捐赠给一系列的善因。Once you’ve collected enough karmas you can donate them to a variety of causes.

边修边转嘛尼轮的功德与供养千佛的功德相等。The one who practices while turning equals the fortune of the thousand buddhas.

但是,在傲慢的铁球上,是不可能萌生功德果实的,您知道吗?But fruits of quality will never grow on an iron ball of pride. Do you know that?

并以250种比喻恰如其分地描述了菩提心的功德。The sutra also lists 250 examples to describe aptly the qualities of bodhichitta.

保罗比任何人更能认识了,主的功德就是他的酬报,主的微笑就是天堂。To St. Paul, more than to any other man, His work was wages, His smile was Heaven.

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与逝者和解的人也可以分享其福祉功德。For making peace with the deceased, one can also share merits for their well-being.

得救的信心是唯独领悟基督,祂的义和功德。Saving faith is faith which alone apprehends Christ, his righteousness, and merits.

烦恼临头时,要「检查自己的心」,否则瞋怒的火焰会焚毁自己的功德。When trouble comes, examine your mind, lest the fire to hatred consume your merits.