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淀粉糊为假塑性流体。Starch paste was pseudoplastic fluid.

这部分都是塑性流动。So this whole portion here is plastic flow.

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也有用硬橡胶或塑性球作清管器的。Hard-rubber or plastic spheres are used also.

拉伸元件可能由于塑性屈伏而破坏。A tension member may fail by plastic yielding.

试验表明,COM是一种拟塑性流体。It is found that COM is a pseudoplastic fluid.

沿滑动面产生滑动的塑性楔体。Sliding of plastic wedges along gliding planes.

可能有重塑性骨破坏。There can be bone destruction with remodelling.

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这是一个非常强大的和耐用的塑性材料。It is a very strong and durable plastic material.

一种用灯黑浸染的塑性材料。A thermoplastic material impregnated with lampblack.

塑性涂料容易涂在任何表面上。The plastic coating is easy to apply on any surface.

现在你能很清楚看到,塑性流动的部分。Yay! Now you're clearly in that plastic flow portion.

夹在其中的页岩层通常是塑性变形。The shale beds in between generally deform plastically.

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低周被劳寿命可由塑性应变能表达。LCF life could be well expressed by plastic strain energy.

这是电塑性变形最本质阶段。This is the essential stage for electroplastic deformation.

塑性或减肥计划有助于提高你的自尊。Fitness or weight loss pro grams will help your self esteem.

塑性收缩是由泌水沉降引起的。The plastic shrinkage is caused by secrete water settlement.

塑性皱曲是管材内高压胀形工艺的一种典型失效形式。Plastic wrinkling is a typical defective mode during the THF.

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结果表明,共混物熔体为假塑性流体。The results showed the blend melts were pseudoplastic fluids.

拥有塑性文胸,特别是如果你是D罩杯或更大尺寸时。Get a molded underwire bra especially if you’re a D or larger.

辊锻是金属塑性成形中的重要加工方法之一。Rolling forging is an important means in metal-forming method.