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国会大刀阔斧地削减预算。Congress axed the budget.

他会像终结者那样大刀阔斧改革不正常的机制。He would slay the system, like the Terminator.

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你不必要大刀阔斧,只是需要平时小小的投资。You don't need to take huge steps, just smalls.

但是政府这种大刀阔斧的做法可能会适得其反。But the heavy hand of the government can be stifling here.

新的买主或许可以更加大刀阔斧削减支出而作得更好.A new buyer may be able to do things better with harsher cuts.

但是政党首领却大刀阔斧,削去了拉沙理的候选资格。Instead, Mr Razaleigh's candidacy was quashed by party chiefs.

在国内,我们正在大刀阔斧地努力稳定我们的金融体制。At home, we are working aggressively to stabilize our financial system.

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但是他无历史包袱,以大刀阔斧决断争取主动。Burdened with no fardel of the past, he has boldly taken the initiative.

如今苏立先生大刀阔斧削减成本,尽管他并没有明确表示要砍掉哪一部分。Now Mr Suri is taking an axe to costs, though he has not said exactly what he will chop.

他们没有大刀阔斧的摈弃孔子的精英论,还缺乏在农忙时节合理安排课程的能力。They aren't even smart enough to schedule their lessons on seedlings for crop-planting time.

但接受自己的身体,难道不比大刀阔斧拿着刀子进行改造来得更好吗?But isn’t it better to make peace with your own body rather than voluntarily go under a knife?

他知道选民要求政府采取大刀阔斧的行动挽救经济。He knows voters are clamoring for decisive action to stop the country's slide into economic malaise.

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如今联邦政府行动束手束脚,只能依赖州政府和地方政府大刀阔斧的推陈出新了。With the federal government deadlocked, bold measures may be confined to state and local governments.

轰轰烈烈的市容环境卫生专项整治行动是一场大刀阔斧的创卫攻坚战。The astounding city's appearance environment health special the campaign is a sweeping news tough sell.

东盟及其各成员国大刀阔斧地进行了各方面的改革和调整。Every member of ASEAN is trying hard and carrying on reforms and restructures in many areas boldly and resolutely.

在你大刀阔斧的扫货之前,请先明了精明的决定和鲁莽的反应之间的区别。Make sure you calculate the difference between a smart decision and a rash reaction before you take your big leap.

我认为现在开始改变也为时不晚,但是我们得大刀阔斧,立即采取行动。I don’t believe it’s too late to change course, but it will be if we don’t take dramatic action as soon as possible.

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拉维一直为追求大刀阔斧的重组共和党、使其能以政党利益为重的梦想而劳心劳力。Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment, subordinating everything to party politics.

波多尼对有关学术“巴尔干化”的担心迅速做出了回应,他对耶鲁大学的MBA课程进行了大刀阔斧的改革。Dr. Podolny has responded swiftly to concerns about academic 'balkanization' with an ambitious transformation of Yale's M. B.

对法国亏损的养老保险制度进行大刀阔斧的改革,是欧洲削减不断增长的公共债务的部分努力。Sweeping reforms to France's money-losing pension system is part of efforts around Europe to cut back on growing public debts.