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早期的马料水远离市区,甚至可说地处边陲,这是。Ma Liu Shui was remote, even peripheral, in the old.

现在,你在这个边陲之地的学习之期已近尾声。Now, the end of your time at this borderland school draws near.

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妹妹,你要牢牢铭记,在心灵的边陲。My little sister, you should firmly engrave, by the side of heart.

他们说,这是我们可以看到的一个边陲地区可以发展的最好场景。It is, they say, the best that one can hope for from a new frontier.

布达佩斯,长期以来只是电影拍摄的边陲城市,真的可以成为一个欧洲好莱坞么?Can Budapest, long a filmmaking frontier, really become a European Hollywood?

亳州市位于皖西北边陲,黄淮平原南端。Bozhou city is situated in northwest of Anhui Province And south of Huanghe-Huaihe plain.

不过,位于中国东北边陲熙熙攘攘的丹东市居民对此并不买账。Don't tell that to the residents of Dandong, a bustling border town in northeastern China.

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本矿床属石英脉型,近年发现于滇西南边陲。Gongding Au deposit is a quartz-vein type An deposit recently found in the southwest Yunnan Poovince.

走在菲律宾莱特山雨林的边陲地带,会听见从远处传来的微弱的声音。In the Leyte Mountains of the Philippines, along the edge of the rainforest, small sounds travel far.

濮德培用编年史的形式,记载了这个少为人知的中国向西北边陲扩张的故事。Peter C. Perdue chronicles this little-known story of China's expansion into the northwestern frontier.

新疆,位于遥远的西部边陲,是莽莽群峰和广袤原野的故乡。The far western province of Xinjiang, home to many of the planet's highest peaks and widest ice fields.

辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.

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保山地区是云南省西南边陲重地,其农村能源的开发与利用水平尚处于一个较低阶段。Baoshan is a important place in Yunnan province. Its level in exploited rural energy resources is very low.

鼎远义齿座落于一个由边陲小镇,发展成至今举世瞩目的城市——深圳。Ding Yuan denture is located in a remote border town, has developed into a remarkable city City---Shenzhen.

在这个偏远的边陲之地,他得以沉溺于狩猎的英勇和荒野的热爱之中。There, on the cutting edge of the frontier, he was able to indulge his hunting prowess and love of the wilderness.

公元1038年十月,元昊称帝,夏遂与辽结成犄角之势,威胁着宋西北边陲的安全。In October A. D. 1038, TangGu Te Dynasty was build by Li Yuanhao, then threaten northwest safety of border of Song.

乐昌位于粤北边陲,毗邻湖南,素有“广东北大门”之称。Lechang is located in northern Guangdong border, adjacent to Hunan, known as "the northern gate of Guangdong, " said.

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西双版纳,中国——弥漫的烟雾笼罩着中国这个边陲的亚热带地区,西双版纳与老挝和缅甸接壤。XISHUANGBANNA, CHINA —Smoky haze hangs over the hills in this subtropical corner of China bordering Laos and Myanmar.

在边陲地区,骑士是民兵、商队和探险队坚实的指挥官。Along the borderlands, knights are the stalwart commanders of peasant militias, caravan guards and adventuring groups.

此公老是站在山顶朝西北方眺望,不时让士兵拿来边陲的版图。He always watched the northwest from the top of mountain and sometimes asked soldiers to bring map of frontier to him.