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在一个台基或者支撑物上竖直地站。The urn stands on a pedestal.

台基四周是用来自大渡河畔的枣红色花岗石彻起。Platform is surrounded by banks of the Dadu River from the date from the red granite thorough.

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康滇地轴中部为台背斜隆起,大面积出露地台基底。Middle the Kang Yunnan earth axis sticks out for the anteklise, big area appearing platform basis.

可惜民国年间被毁,现仅存台基和清咸丰年间重修的碑。Unfortunately, in the Republic of destruction, is the only pedestal and Qing Xianfeng years rebuilt the monument.

一只状如镰刀的精灵箭一般地飞向烟囱岩。烟囱岩是两截尖锥形砂岩,如帽子形状盖在一个狭长的岩石台基上。A sickle-shaped creature was darting toward Chimney Rock, two sandstone pinnacles that cap a long, narrow rock platform.

通过实体结构上稍作改变,在曲梁与平台基面上加固不易变形的曲形连接物,起到了足够稳定的效果。The structure was then changed to concrete, and a torsion stiff connection between the curved beams and the floor plane could be established.

经充分的论证最终选用群桩加小承台基拙和大直径钢管支架的设计方案。Following the thorough evaluation, the group piles plus small pier bases and large diameter steel pipe supports are chosen as the final design.

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现在王城城墙及承运门、承运殿的台基、石栏和云阶玉陛保存较为完好。At present, the city wall and the foundation and the stone columns and cloud and jade stairs of Luck Receiving Gate, Luck Receiving Palace are well-preserved.

得出了各地震台台基的脉动噪声的均方根值、观测动态范围、地噪声功率谱。The article calculates the mean square root values of pulse noise, observational dynamic range and power spectrum of ground noise of all seismic station bases.

包括日立和台湾计算机芯片制造商台基电在内的许多高新技术企业正在这里投资新建工厂,而大部分将很具有现代的中国风格。Many high-tech firms, including Hitachi and the Taiwanese computer-chip maker Taijidian, are investing in new factories. Most will be in the modern Chinese style.

资福寺洼陷是受南部斜坡和范家台基底隆升形成的早期洼陷,其主要形成时间为白垩-下第三系沙市组沉积期。Because the south slope and Fanjiatai structure basement has risen, Zifusi Low-lying Area is formed in Shashi formation sedimentary periods of Cretaceous-Palaeogene.

介绍了新疆数字地震台仪器的配置,对新疆23个数字地震台站台基噪声进行分析计算。The article introduces instrument configuration of Xinjiang digital seismic station, and analyzes and calculates station base noise of 23 Xinjiang digital seismic station.

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通过震中距△分区间深入研究,我们给出了每个区间的面波震级台基校正值,供实际工作中参考使用。To further research various regions by epicenter distance △, We have provided a correct value of surface wave magnitude for each region as a reference of the practical use.

尤其是宫前广场,一座胜利女神金像高高的耸立在大理石台基上,金光闪闪,雄伟庄严。Is a square particularly before the temple, a victory fairy gold is like high tower aloft highly the is at the marble set up, the golden light is flickering, impressive-looking majesty.