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埃伦对我凄然一笑。Ellen gave me a rueful smile.

凄然地低语,爱为何消逝Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled

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凄然沉没于每个静寂的夜。Drearily sink into every silent night.

凄然的低语,爱为何消逝。Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled.

凄然地低语那爱的消逝。Murmur , a little sadly, how love fled.

凄然低语,爱为何消逝。Murmur, a little sadly, how loved fled.

凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝。Sad to gently tell that love disappeared.

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像血在白床单绽放出玫瑰般的凄然,美丽。Like blood in the white linen roses blooming out like a sad, beautiful.

垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁,凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝。Bending down besides the glowing bars, murmur little sadly, how love fled.

结合全诗内容,分析并回答作者“独不眠”和“转凄然”的原因。Combined with the poem content analysis and the author "answer, not sleeping alone" and "turn" reasons.

上校的语调十分沮丧.将军的模样也十分凄然,我不由得笑了起来。The colonel sounded so lugubrious and the general looked so sad that I could not help but burst into laughter.

我诚然为我的处境感到无能,也诚然为我的真实感到没什么缺憾,只是心情有点凄凄然。I am true to my situation was incompetent, but also for my real true feel no regret, just feel a bitdesolately.

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然而,秋雨也不尽是凄然和惨淡,她也有润物无声和涤荡尘埃的功用。However, the autumn is not all sad and gloomy, she is also silent lubricant and wash away the dust of the function.

看到他脸上的惊恐着色,白衣少女凄然一笑,伸出的手耷拉下来,其实那只手也已经变得透明。At the look of horror on his face, the girl gave a sad laugh and dropped her hand, which was nearly transparent now.

我们已经凄然失去那一种分别,就是那一种辨别神圣与凡俗之间迥异的意识。We have lost even the difference, the sense of the difference, between that which is sacred and that which is profane.

二十二岁的诺玛,手捧结婚花束,头戴一顶松软的帽子,神色困惑,有点凄然,感到前途茫茫。Norma at twenty-two holding a bridal bouquet wearing a floppy hat perplexed faintly forlorn on the edge of the unknown.

不知道起点,终点,只是在每个思念的站点,总是对往事回首,看我悸动的心凄然一笑.Having no idea of starting and ending, I am just looking back to the past and smiling bitterly at every station of my missing.

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仅仅一墙之隔,人的心境与意境就是如此的截然不同,犹如天地人间,不免感觉生命的玄妙与凄然!Only separated by a wall, the mood and the mood is so different as heaven and earth, unavoidable feel mysterious, and desolate!

“原来如此,”随着爱情幢憬的破灭,他凄然说道,“你和我结婚仅仅是为了把我从绞刑架上救下来,毫无别的意思吗?”"So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, "Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet? "

对尘世千年的爱恋化作一枝流泪的红烛,这温柔是轮回里红烛最后一瞥,凄然而绝美。On the earth a thousand years of love and tears into a Candle, which is a reincarnation Village Candle gentle final glimpse of sad but beautiful.