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需要必然的痛楚。Requires sorest need.

必然让你笑破肚皮。It makes you laugh to tears.

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我不相信那是势所必然。I do not believe it need be so.

皮特必然认为他是对的。Peter must a ume he is correct.

绝望是错误的,进步必然会苏醒。He who despairs is in the wrong.

我认为销售显然会下滑.在紧急加速之后必然会有些回档.I think clearly sales will drop.

我念他目下现古必然好了。I think he will be properly now.

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封育治理必然是人为参与下的积极行动。It is an active action of human.

不必然每一粒种子都能结果实。Not all seed produces a harvest.

怀疑并不必然是罪恶的。Doubting is not necessarily sinful.

气体必然反推气球。The air must push onto the balloon.

严冬必然会化为春光。Winters always thaws into springtime.

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这样,我们就必然能看到谱线的分裂了。And, sure enough, we see the splitting.

蛋如果它是神圣的,它必然是纯洁的。But if they're holy, they must be pure.

伴随三段论的大前提和小前提必然得到的命题。The major or minor term of a syllogism.

因此,你必然可以看到整个世界。You must see the world there, perforce.

马丁斯是总统一职的必然当选人。Martins is a shoo-in for the presidency.

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我和我的一切必然任你摆布。Perforce am thine and all that is in me.

不要再认为赛扬奖必然属于王建民的。Stop thinking Cy Young for Wang already.

但这种见解有一个必然的结果。But there is a corollary to this insight.