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上海花鸟鱼虫市场上的一位卖家。A merchant at the Shanghai market.

你的估价单被卖家回绝了。Your estimate was rejected by the seller.

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我立即告知卖家,自己是写错了。I quickly notified the seller of my error.

以此告诉卖家这些供销商是值得信赖的。This tells buyers that they are trustworthy.

因此,卖家倾向于保持安静,直到太迟为止。So sellers tend to keep quiet until too late.

还好,我在深圳有个可信赖的卖家。Thankfully, I have a trusted seller in Shenzen.

东西蛮好,卖家服务也很好。To dress very disappointed but excellent service.

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卖家们看到了弗兰克的枪,他们也拔出了他们自己的枪。The dealers see Frank’s gun and pull out their own.

然而,倘若市场表现强劲,卖家为何不该坐等呢?Yet if the market is strong, why shouldn't owners wait?

鞋子比想象中的要好,果然是正品,卖家态度超好!劲赞!!!!!The shoes are excellent, and the seller is kind-hearted!

化妆品卖家杨先生是义乌工商学院的校园偶像。Mr. Yang, the cosmetics seller, has become a campus hero.

因为没有钱支付交易,他有意打劫毒品卖家。With no money to lay out he intends to rob the drug dealers.

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有的卖家大丛大丛地卖,也有一盆盆卖的。Some suppliers sell big clumps now, others have them in pots.

但是他们为了支持某个卖家,会为此付费。But they do pay for them, by favoring one vendor over another.

弗兰克用他的枪大力击打了其中一位毒品卖家的鼻子。Frank clocks one of the drug dealers in the nose with his gun.

那位卖家却对弗兰克说,他有权保持沉默。The dealer tells Frank that he has the right to remain silent.

一位卖家正在展示一只瓷碗中的打斗蟋蟀。A cricket dealer shows off one of his fighters in a ceramic pot.

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乐天的收入来源是向卖家收取的费用。Rakuten’s revenue comes from the fees it charges to its vendors.

买家和卖家交易及投资的经验交流与心得。Here you can discuss your investment, trade experience and so on.

像谢丽儿•琼森这样的卖家永远在寻找新的“港湾”。Sellers like Cheryl Johnsen are looking permanently for new shores.