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我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway.

我想,等新的成量修起来,我还是会去看看罢。When the new plant is built, I am sure that I will go visiting it.

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在牛群走出的小道上,修起了道路,穿越荒野。Roads through the wilderness were built over trails opened by cattle.

诸侯国修起城墙,借以保护他们的领土。Small kingdom built huge walls aiming at protecting their territories.

直到下午很晚电工才开始修起货机。It's not till late afternoon that the electrician began to repair the winch.

殖民者在平原上修起了铁路,于是开始猎取更多的野牛。The settlers built railways across the plains and began to hunt even more bison.

银行家冷冷地一笑,接着用一把珍珠柄小刀修起指甲来。The banker laughed disagreeably and began trimming his nails with a pearl-handled pocketknife.

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我们老百姓自己筹资修的路,等不了多久就可以修起了。The villagers in my village raised funds to repair the road and we can soon start to repair it.

不久各地修起了机场来促进这种新型方便快捷的交通运输工具。Airports were soon built everywhere to promote this new form of quick and convenient transporation.

你没有担忧,反而拿出那瓶限量版粉色指甲油,修起了趾甲。Instead of worrying, you get out that limited edition pink nail polish and give yourself a pedicure.

我们在这里已经修起了除草剂地带,纯草就不能和树竞争了。We have a herbicide strip already established here, so the weeds aren"t competing with the tree, " he says.

也许有时,我们的任务会是为一片荒地修起围墙,为一条河架桥,或养育后代让年轻的群体延续下去。At times, the task may be to fence a wilderness, to bridge a river, or rear sons to perpetuate a young colony.

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当然喽,倘若从牲畜市场沿着北环路修起一条电车轨道通到码头,地皮价钱一下子就会飞涨。Of course if they ran a tramline along the North Circular from the cattlemarket to the quays value would go up like a shot.

当然喽,倘若从牲畜市场沿着北环路修起一条电车轨道通到码头,地皮价钱一下子就会飞涨。Of course if they ran a tramline along the North Circular from the cattle market to the quays value would go up like a shot.

建起了豪牟的住宅区,筑起了高速公路,修起了现代化的海港和机场。The comfortable residential quarters have been built up, highways have been constructed, and modem ports and airports have been built.

在女王的时代里,人类登上月球漫步,修起又摧毁了柏林墙,发明了互联网,掀起医药学的DNA革命。It is an era which has witnessed man walk on the moon, the rise – and fall – of the Berlin Wall, the invention of the internet and the DNA revolution in medicine.

他表示,他在剧本周围“修起了一道篱笆”──大部分的剧情都发生在一幢办公大楼里面,而且故事本身也比较简单。He says he 'built a fence' around his script─setting the majority of the action within the confines of a single office building and keeping the story relatively simple.

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果然,就两年多半时间,地震灾区发生了翻天覆地的变化,新房子修起来了,新学校和医院修起来了,道路桥梁都通车了。Sure enough, just two years most of the time, the earthquake has undergone earth-shaking changes, new house to fix it, new schools and hospitals to fix it, Bridges and roads are open to traffic.