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该报社论诬蔑这名政治家。The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.

他们都批准和诬蔑某些行为。They both ratify and stigmatize certain behaviors.

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这种诬蔑性的称呼,就是在说一个人奸猾、不老实以及很自私。The insult suggests that one is cunning, dishonest and selfish.

正因为这样,马克思成为当代最遭嫉恨和最受诬蔑的人。And, consequently, Marx was the best-hated and most calumniated man of his time.

正因为这样,所以马克思是当代最遭忌恨和最受诬蔑的人。And, consequently, Marx was the best-hated and most calumniated man of his time.

无论如何,也不能诽谤和诬蔑,没有证据地责难,扭曲事实。Calumny , unproved accusations and distortion of the facts should never be permitted.

我并不欣赏你试图诬蔑我的声誉、以及把我描述成一个家庭的破坏者的做法。I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker.

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以兼职方式工作的律师认为,他们经常被埋怨、诬蔑,或是被剥夺晋升的机会。Lawyers who work part-time say they are often resented, stigmatised and denied promotion.

布什总统的修正案将是第一个被用来诬蔑和排斥一个美国人群体的法案。President Bush's amendment would be the first adopted to stigmatize and exclude a group of Americans.

他们认为就业,因此,一个伟大的罪人和诬蔑他断言无罪的虚伪。They consider Job, therefore, a great sinner and stigmatize his assertions of innocence as hypocrisy.

据闻此经理使用了同性恋诬蔑词汇,并告知青年她拥有不会得到工作。It's alleged the manager used a gay slur andthen informed the teenager that she'd never be given a job.

整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery.

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文彬出言诬蔑小楼忘恩负义,刻意与他作对,月兰看在眼里,怒火中烧。Wen Bin speak calumny xiaolou ingratitude, deliberately against him, month LAN see in the eye, blood boil.

不要忘记那些被共和国诬蔑而死不瞑目的人们。Do not forget those who have been wrongfully accused by the Republic and died refusing to close their eyes.

主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history.

被诬蔑为一个颠覆破坏分子和一个仅仅写了宣言呼吁民主中国的罪犯。Liu was vilified as a subversive and a criminal merely for writing a manifesto calling for democracy in China.

他被人诬蔑犯罪,因害怕而逃亡,在海外加入了道明会,但他当时并不知面对的前景如何。He was accused of a crime he did not commit. He was scared so he fled and joined Dominican missionaries abroad.

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我平居为媒体对单身只身女性的进攻和诬蔑而认为利诱,直到有一天我意想到这里边的猫腻。It used to baffle me why the media loved to do a hatchet job on single women, until I sensed something fishy going on.

多宝揭发三子偷东西,但三子拒认,反诬蔑多宝拿起笔座掷向他们。Stealing treasure to expose the third, but refuse to recognize the third, the calumny stupa with pen holder throw at them.

但一项新的研究发现这样的问题是单身者的原因,尤其是女人,经常感到在工作场所被诬蔑。But a new study finds that such questions are one reason singles, particularly women, often feel stigmatized in the workplace.