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那些孩子一无所有。These kids had nothing.

那张小办公桌上一无所有。The small desk was bare.

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现在除了时间我一无所有。Now there is nothing but time.

我是单身女士,孤独地,一无所有。I'm Miss. Longly. I have nobody.

它要么以整体形式出现,要么一无所有。It comes as a whole or not at all.

除了一片废墟外一无所有了。Nothing remains saving these ruins.

我来到这个国家时身上一无所有。I arrived in this country with zilch.

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丧尽天良,一无所有。He who has no conscience have nothing.

你们没有普京就会一无所有!You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Putins!

除了我们欠他的钱外,他现在是一无所有了。He has nothing now except what we owe him.

我可怜的孩子们,你们将一无所有!My poor children, you will not have a sou!

天哪!天哪!我一无所有。我真不幸!Gosh! Gosh! I have nothing. I 'm so unlucky!

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如果你一无所有,反而可以放手去做。If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist.

他曾经很富,现在却贫困潦倒、一无所有。Once a very rich man, he is now down and out.

我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。Apart from clothes and bedding, I have nothing.

底层社会的人们生活污秽肮脏、粗野鄙陋、一无所有。LIFE at the bottom is nasty, brutish and short.

他除了在豪华游船上的一份可怜的工作以外,一无所有。He had nothing but a poor job on the fancy boat.

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神的斧子将我们剥夺得一无所有。God's axes of trial have stripped and bared them.

我有一个贤慧的妻子,但我觉得一无所有。I had a virtuous wife, but I wasn't appreciative.

一开始什么都有,到最后一无所有。Starts off with everything, ends up with nothing.