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出阵迎敌就有战死沙场的危险。You may die on the battlefield when fighting the enemy.

王对赶车的说,我受了重伤,你转过车来,拉我出阵吧。The king told his chariot driver, 'Wheel around and get me out of the fighting. I've been wounded.'

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王对赶车的说,我受了重伤,你转过车来,拉我出阵吧。The king told the chariot driver, 'Wheel around and get me out of the fighting. I've been wounded.'

阿根廷人下个星期即将年满21岁,他可能在周六午茶时间出阵足总杯第三轮雷丁的首发。The Argentine, who turns 21 next week, could line-up in our third round clash at Reading on Saturday tea-time.

他在在弗格森手下为曼联出阵的244场比赛中118球,这对师徒的合作在2008年曼联夺得欧洲冠军联赛锦标时被发挥到最极致。He scored 118 goals in 244 starts under Ferguson and was very much complicit in United's 2008 Champions League triumph.

但是,本赛季他已经出阵过五场比赛,并在上个月1比1打平布莱克本的比赛中打入一球。However, he has featured in five games so far this season, scoring during City's 1-1 draw against Blackburn last month.

调查瑞典国家队是一件再容易不过的事,只需要找到他上次排出阵型的复写纸。Picking the Swedish national team is the easiest thing in the world, just use carbon paper of the last team he fielded.

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弓箭手射中约西亚王.王对他的臣仆说、我受了重伤、你拉我出阵罢。And the bowmen sent their arrows at King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, Take me away, for I am badly wounded.

球迷可能最快也只能在周日对阵布莱克本的比赛中再次看到鲁尼的身影,并且可能是替补出阵。The soonest fans can expect to see Wayne in action again is likely to be against Blackburn Rovers on Sunday, perhaps as a substitute.

有一人随便开弓、恰巧射入以色列王的甲缝�.王对赶车的说、我受了重伤、你转过车来、拉我出阵吧。For it came to pass, that, when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back again from pursuing him.

在上周六银河队与切尔西队的友谊赛中,这位最终以替补出阵的英格兰中场引爆家得堡体育中心。The England midfielder lit up the Home Depot Center on Saturday when he finally came on as a substitute for the Galaxy in an exhibition match against Chelsea.

借用RCB的思想,提出一种新的阵形校正方法,该方法对导向矢量进行估计,然后用估计的导向矢量推导出阵元的位置。In this paper, we propose a new array shape calibration method that borrows the idea from RCB, i. e. , we estimate the steering vector and further deduce the positions of hydrophones.

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针对现代海战中空袭目标的特点,确定雷达哨舰在编队对空预警中的前出阵位。According to the character of the air attack targets in modern sea battles, this paper confirm the disposition of radar picket frigate which is used in aerial warning for warship formation.

我到球队开展工作后的第一场比赛是对阵澳大利亚。比赛中我们派出了两支完全不同的队伍出阵。第一支队伍表现很不错,最终1比0小胜。The first game that the team played after I had worked with the team was against Australia with China playing two different teams in the game and the 1st team was very good and won the game 1-0.