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即使长期投资者也抱怨朝令夕改。Even longtime investors complain that the rules seem to keep shifting.

但是有时候你会朝令夕改而让人们很难适应你。Yet sometimes you are filled with cranky ideas which people find hard to follow.

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退休制度应该有其延续性,避免朝令夕改,造成不安。The retirement system should be continuity and the government should avoid about-face.

一周内不应该发生两次,有点朝令夕改的味道。It cannot happen that within a week, first they decide one way and then in the exact opposite.

父母一旦定下规矩,他们就得坚持下去,不能朝令夕改。Once parents establish some rules they have to adhere to them, and cannot change them constantly.

这就是衡平法的职责,支持和保护普通法免遭朝令夕改和违背法律正义原则的诡计的侵害。On the other hand the award of damages in an action based on principles of common law is automatic.

是朝令夕改的北京政府像往常一样在修正数据吗?Has the devious Beijing government been massaging the numbers, as communist planners are wont to do?

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碳排放税迟迟未能获得进展,而且美国的能源政策可谓朝令夕改。The carbon tax hasn't gotten off the ground. And let's just say that U.S. energy policy could be more coherent.

埃尔多安未发表任何观点,但是他过去曾经表示过对所谓“朝令夕改”的愤怒。Mr. Erdogan said nothing, but has in the past expressed his outrage over what he calls "shifting the goalposts".

据悉,此前已有一批企业因不满朝令夕改的税收政策而选择了退出英国市场。A number of companies tired of constantly changing tax regimes and onerous regulations have already moved abroad.

那么,任何善的事物,不论是艺术之善还是自然之善,或者二者同善,都不会朝令夕改、变化无常,对吗?Then everything which is good, whether made by art or nature, or both, is least liable to suffer change from without?

如果私营领域的投资者或公司认为政府的规定会不分青红皂白地朝令夕改,那么他们就不会愿意参与进来。If investors or companies in the private sector believe that the rules can change quickly and indiscriminately , they will be unwilling to participate.

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经过一个无与伦比的职业生涯中,不断的音乐特点是实验,我们应该用来保罗威勒的不懈愿望朝令夕改他的音乐包。After an unparalleled career, characterised by constant musical experimentation, we should be used to Paul Weller's relentless desire to chop and change his musical pack.